Thank you all so very much for all the incredibly heartfelt entries into the "What Famcraft means to you." forum competition.
We loved every single entry. Even Hobo's.
We have selected three winners, as promised.
1st Place- ~Ghouls
2nd Place ~Vespa
3rd Place ~NinjaSilver
In addition to the three winners, everyone who entered the competition has been given a special "thank you" for your participation. You can find your "thank you" gifts at /home bed for most of you. If it is at another location, you were sent in game mail to let you know where to look.

Thanks again for all the incredible entries. We have so many very smart, creative, talented and funny players here.

We <3 you all!
1st PlaceGhoulsEvery other server i've ever played on, never had the kind of community and feeling of family that this server has.
True, the rules can be a bit strict -- and not everybody likes them (it still takes me a ridiculous amount of self-control not to slip up and write curse words or make a mature joke.) but to be honest? I wouldn't have it any other way.
At home, i hear it all.
Arguing, fighting, cursing, lying...
My parents fight like cats and dogs about the tiniest things. They get inches away from divorce, and then pretend it never happens. On top of all this, I -- personally -- have clinical depression, agoraphobia, and anxiety. Doing really simple tasks can sometimes become absolutely impossible due to just those three little words, and it's embarassing and frustrating all at the same time.
But... on particularly bad days, when i can't get away from it all -- when i just want to curl up in a ball and cry and wish everything would go away... i can get on famcraft instead.
As soon as i log on, i get showered with an excited chorus of "welcome back Ghouls!" from everyone and their uncle. They ask me how i'm doing, and even if I fib and tell them "doing good guys <3" they still go out of their way to make me feel awesome.
The thing is, they do this to everyone -- not just me. They don't do it because i'm staff, or because i build the way i do. They do it because they genuinely care about all of it's players, and i think that's the most fantastic thing about them.
You can hop on mumble and hear people talking to one another. Real people -- not just names flicking across a screen. On rare occasions, you can even skype with them. See their faces, see how excited they are when they talk to you! These people who you know as blocky little characters, are your friends. Friends that are always there for you, day or night. Even if you don't want to talk -- if you just want to sit there and listen, break blocks monotonously and let out all your frustration on a million billion cubes -- they're there for you.
No one argues. No one fights. There's always someone ready to help you with anything you need.
I've never been in an more loving and accepting environment than i have at Famcraft.
My entire life, i've struggled with my self-image, and loving who i am without wanting to change something. There was even a time when my own mind became a very dark and unpleasant place. It's taken many years for me to get used to loving myself -- and a lot of that came from getting rid of what made me feel bad, and sometimes that meant people i was once close to.
No one needs to keep someone in their lives who makes them feel like trash. Getting rid of them is sometimes the most relieving feeling in the world, and you'll always come out of it better than you were before.
On famcraft, we do exactly that.
We don't allow toxic people to stay and make others feel bad. We don't let them stay and upset people or cause them harm -- but we also give them a chance to prove that they're worth keeping. We don't automatically ban anyone for anything unless it's completely obvious they're just trying to be a pain. More often than not though, we give people lots of 2nd chances to prove themselves, and let them show how much they truly want to be here.
I love that about us.
The day i became a helper was so exciting for me. I could finally make a difference somewhere i loved to be! Even if i never became staff, even if i never move up in rank -- I'll still play on famcraft.
I truly love it here and i mean it when i say, i don't need anywhere else.
It's cheesy i know, but it's in the name: You guys are my family now. Sometimes, more-so than my own blood. And for that, i thank you guys <3 You're all amazing, and i honestly don't know what i would ever do without you.
2nd PlacevespamartioStory time!!
This is the story of how I found Famcraft.
One late night, around 10:36, Silverwolflady and I were server hunting because we were bored and hadn't been on any "good" servers lately.
We had gone through about 5 different servers already when we found a "decent" server (It wasn't a keeper).
While she was playing around on the "decent" server, I was looking for more servers. I found one that had the title of Farmcraft.
I decided to give it a shot since i like farming.
When I was typing in the IP address, I noticed that it said "Fam"craft and not "Farm"craft (vespa's idiocy strikes again!), but because I'm lazy and didn't feel like server hunting, I finished typing the IP and told Silver to type in the IP too.
When we joined, it felt like being greeted by a chorus of angels. We were both equally shocked at the welcoming committee and how shockingly kind people were.
After the welcomes died down, we were given a "Once in a lifetime " tour by Anna! But halfway through the tour it became 11:00 and i had to get off

. (Only recently did I get the other half of that tour, which by then i already new the stuff.)
The next day i got on a skype call with Stitch, Silver, s3, and MockingJay, they told me to go through a random portal and i did and they led me to their houses. After a while they all moved their houses to different locations(and still continue to move them.).
I'm the only one left at that place.
I will never forget that night, ever...
This is the story of my encounter with Plenary!
This happened quite recently actually.
I was sitting "AFK" at the iron spawners getting money, you know, the usual, when boysandghoules starts freaking out that she had found the "death pit" at spawn. I started sending teleport request to her and finally she accepted.
(This proved to be a very exciting night)
When I saw what she was talking about, I was personally a bit disappointed. It was just a ravine coated with netherbrick, lava, coal blocks, and cobwebs, I would describe it as his house because it had a bed and a table for making potions and such. I looked around a bit and saw the normal signs about killing bk, taking over the server, a list of people to smite and such.
So I decided to find out exactly how she got in here anyway.
While I was exploring, I came to a fork in the tunnel and went left, I arrived at a dead end and...
(This is where it gets interesting)
... when I turned around I caught a glimpse of Plenary walking through me and I was looking around to make sure i was just hallucinating, but when I looked at the dead end of the tunnel, I saw him looking straight into my soul!!
I completely lost it... I was screaming my head off on mumble and those on there can vouch for that. I kept running in complete circles and didn't know where I was going. I finally composed myself and looked around once and he was gone... for now...
I decided it was high time to get the heck out of there. I went back to the fork in the road and took the path on the right this time. I got out and then went back in, curiosity had overridden my fear.
When I got back to the fork in the tunnel, Diamondhero8 told me to turn around in chat...
I did...
and when i did...
I saw him again!!! This time I didn't run, I didn't hide, This time I was smart enough to get a screenshot.
After that, Plenary smited us to death a couple of times and the excitement was over.
The next day, I went back there and when I looked at the his list of people smite, there was only one person on the list...
(LOL that last line was fake.)
Well that concludes story time.
You will see three pictures below
The first one is what my house looks like now.
The second is the screenshot I got of plenary.
The third however is my personal drawing for the art portion of the contest.
3rd PlaceSilverWolfLadyOk, here is my picture!
Why I Love Famcraft
I love Famcraft in so many ways. Famcraft is one the finest servers i have ever been on in my intire life! I love all the staff members and players. They are so pleasant I feel like I am not alone on some days. They also make me joyful when I am down. All the people on mumble make me laugh and smile. I would do everything i can to protect server and players. I am grateful for the night that my friend and I found this server: it will be a day i will never forget. That is the reason I love famcraft.
Klive <D