Hello, This is Supermickey24.
Me and epicniss11 have teamed up to make a mall together,
We will be working on it for the next few days, Once we finish
(Goal date On Sept.30)
I will be launching it on Oct.1 If things go as planned.
There will be many different sections with four shops in each.
All the same size, I want your comments/replies on if we should auction them off, or sell them.

If auctioned, they will go off for 15k at the start. The shops are 7x6x4. If sold they will be for 15k each.
If you would like to see the shops, If I am online just ask! Until the stargate is put in that is! It is a fancy mall and we really would like support!
The mall will have a stargate so It will have easy access. I have possible plans in the future for bigger shops and extensions
We are working really hard on this so if you would like to donate, Pay funds to IGN Supermickey24 and send me a mail telling how much you donated and I will take care of the rest. We appreciate and encourage all donations. We would love to hear feedback! We will be advertising the mall in chat so don't be shy to ask to see the mall!
Eviction Rules
We don't want to have to evict people but we may need too.
If you are gone for two months we will mail you. If no response for a week you will be evicted
If you fail to stock your shops, you risk being evicted.
There are mall rules posted at the star gate.
If you would like to purchase a shop, send me a mail and I will prepare a shop space for you and we will exchange at a later date.
If you would like to purchase a shop for someone, send me a mail that it will be for them! If you don't, it will be a lot more confusing and I just want the best for the shop owners and the customers!
If you have any questions feel free to mail me.
In the next post I will be adding on what the mall vote results are and what we are planning for future updates!
See you soon!