
Author Topic: Inquiry on Banned *cya*  (Read 1269 times)

Offline Draiden_Kaid

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Inquiry on Banned *cya*
« Opened on September 28, 2013, 10:31:18 PM »
Following what was apparently a raid on FamCraft Survival, I turned off my computer to go and take a shower. When I returned, I found that I was apparently banned with the only other detail being  *cya* on the page. May I inquire as to why I was banned? Thank you in advance for answering me.


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Re: Inquiry on Banned *cya*
« Reply #1 on September 28, 2013, 10:51:40 PM »

Everything you say in famcraft, shows on console. FAMILY FRIENDLY has always been in our rules.

Your comment about ppl 'spamf***"ing us does not fit into these rules. You have been warned several times over the past month, it does not seem you intend to stick to our rules :(

At this time, for the above reason, your ban will stay.

Offline Draiden_Kaid

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Re: Inquiry on Banned *cya*
« Reply #2 on September 28, 2013, 11:10:44 PM »
I understand your frustration at my lack of orthodox behavior in this department. I do apologize for this, as it is one of my many flaws and I can see your desires to leave me out altogether. However, since my other ban that was entirely my fault for trying to explain myself (again, in an extremely unorthodox fashion) I have been endeavoring to stop with all my irrational side-stepping of the server rules.

As for what I said this particular instance, I had been around a few other servers for sometime and forgot that I had to watch what I said around FamCraft due to the age group that played on said server. The word I used was a common phrase for the instance, however inappropriate it may have been, and it really was a complete and utter accident on my part for even saying it. I feel like I've personally let myself down in this situation, me priding myself on the art of wording.

I had been trying to adhere to your rules since my previous ban, however ludicrous I believe your rules to be. Facts are that your rules stand for reasons and that I don't have the right to inquire about them. They are there to be upheld and to be followed, and I feel that this permaban has utterly let all of my attempts to control myself around FamCraft go to waste. I ask for a second chance, Camel.

Offline micahdg

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Re: Inquiry on Banned *cya*
« Reply #3 on September 30, 2013, 12:32:40 PM »
Your plea has been received and we are discussing it.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
BNVS.<tyty1147> ima do a test
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tyty1147 lost connection
tyty1147 lost connection

Offline micahdg

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Re: Inquiry on Banned *cya*
« Reply #4 on October 03, 2013, 09:25:53 PM »
I'm sorry to inform you that we have decided your outlook on life is not a great fit for Famcraft. We wish you luck in finding another minecraft server that better suits your lifestyle and has less "ludicrous" rules.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
BNVS.<tyty1147> ima do a test
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