
Author Topic: Carnival Volunteer Form!  (Read 10443 times)

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Opened on October 15, 2013, 06:09:26 AM (Edited October 26, 2013, 06:16:34 PM) »
Alright guys! The time has come, the Carnival's Grand Opening is just around the corner! We're going to TRY and open it up on Saturday, the 26th of October so it'll be a weekend and lots of people can come! BUT -- I'm going to need lots of volunteers!

That's where YOU GUYS come into play! I will be allowing a handful of you guys into my PS field to help me run the carnival :D You'll be resetting games, helping out players, cleaning up after them, etc.

Below, is a list of all the jobs i could think of that we might need for the entire day (It's long, i know i'm sorry :C )  If you would like to apply for a position, just fill out the form at the bottom and reply to this thread with it. Do not send me forum-mail, or contact me in-game about a position. I will only respond to this thread. Those of you chosen, will be contacted by me! <3


Current Workers:
  • MK15156 -- Black Maze Guide
  • Madgaz -- Pirate(Guide) (or) Janitor
  • Vespa -- Plenary (or Fireworks as backup)
  • Gedude -- Shooting Gallery
  • Diamond -- Ghost
  • ZRoad -- Dunk Tank
  • Rundrop -- Magician
  • Egi -- Himself
  • SirHuggyPaws -- Animal Handler  banned
  • Jokerz -- Food Vendor
  • James5239 -- Food Vendor #2
Please be aware, that you must be on your BEST BEHAVIOR. Any rule-breaking from this point on, will cause you to be kicked off the volunteer team, and you will not be allowed to work at the carnival :C


NOTE: There are a FEW 'jobs' that WILL REQUIRE SKIN-CHANGES. If you do NOT want to change your skin, DO NOT APPLY for that position! -- Remember though, it's only for ONE day, and you can change back to your old skin after the day is over :D

Only 'Jobs' with RED ASTERISKS (***) beside them, will require skin changes!


The Jobs

  • - Pirate *** -- The Pirate will help people at spawn, showing them HOW to get to the boat and bring them through the portal to the carnival.
  • - Magician *** -- Will provide magic shows at the stage. (The magic tricks you preform are up to you, however a "disappearing cabinet" has been provided for you.)
  • - Plenary *** -- You will follow around players inside the mansion, and spook them. (NO unwanted pvp!) NOTE: You will not be playing on the Plenary account! Merely wearing his skin for ONE day!
  • - Ghosts *** -- Same as Plenary, you will hide in the mansion and scare people who walk through! (NO unwanted pvp!)
  • - Cornmaze Jumper *** -- You will hide in the "Corn" (Sugar cane) maze and jump out at people.
  • - Shooting Gallery Attendant -- You will press the button to send out the carts at the shooting gallery. You will also clean up leftover carts and arrows off the track, as well as keeping carts, bows, and arrows in-stock. ((You may opt to wear/edit a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Dunk Tank Worker -- You will be dunked at the dunk-tank! It is also your job to make sure the bows and arrows are kept in-stock! ((You may opt to wear/edit a swimsuit skin if you like :P))
  • - Cake-Contest Judge -- You will be judging cake-eating competitions! You are also in charge of placing the cake down in front of the players, and restocking the cake-box. ((You may opt to wear/edit a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Maze guides -- You will be guiding players THROUGH mazes if they get stuck, or offering to let them TP to you if they need out. If they do not have the money to TP, you do NOT have to use your money. You can tell them to do /warp sg and come back through the boat portal. ((You may opt to wear a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Head of Fireworks -- If I am not around to flick the switch myself, YOU will be in charge of running the fireworks show :D This means YOU will get to pull the lever, as well as restock the dispensers with fireworks. ((You may opt to wear a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Animal Handler -- It is up to you to make sure that all animals are alive and well, and not being harassed by players. IF an animal happens to die, it will be your job to notify me (or an admin if killed by a player) so that it can be quickly replaced. Horses will need to be bred and re-led to the pony pen. ((You may opt to wear a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Park Security Guard -- You will go around the park and make sure that players are doing what they are supposed to be doing. (ie: No enderpearling into places they shouldn't be. If they're on top of things, i don't mind. But getting behind the scenes to cheat, is against the rules). ((You may opt to wear a security uniform, or a carnie skin if you like))
  • - Janitor -- You will be cleaning up after players. Any random items on the ground will need to be collected and thrown away/replaced. It will also be your job to empty the "trash cans" seen around the park. ((You may opt to wear a janitor uniform, or a carnie skin, if you like))
  • - Food Vendors -- You will be manning the food stalls, and making sure we stay in-stock. ((You may opt to wear a carnie skin if you like))


Please keep in mind you will be a volunteer, meaning that you will not be paid to work here. I cannot afford to pay everyone :C

Also, If there is a job you have in mind that is NOT on the list, you are more than welcome to ask for it :)

Your Username:
Will you be available to 'work' on Saturday, October 26th?:  Yes/No
Which position would you like: (if you are making up your own job, please describe what you would DO on that job. You can include skins if you like)
Are you part of the staff: Yes/No
If you are staff, what rank are you:
Are you willing to change your skin?: Yes/No
Have you ever been Kicked/Banned for bad behavior? (I can check): Yes/No


I also have a list of skins for the jobs that would need skin-changes, as well as optional ones. You are welcome to edit these skins using NovaSkins or another program, to replace the faces/skin, change the colors, etc.
You are also welcome to suggest your OWN skins for this if you find one that would fit better :D

-Pirate Guide
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pirate-1752821/
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pirate-1968514/
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pirate-2012182/

- Magician
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/magician-1421034/

- Mansion Ghost
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/ghost-1766300/
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/ghost-1839704/
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/ghost-2330534/

- Corn Maze Jumper
   - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/sugarcane-man/

- Carnie ((You are encouraged to use NovaSkins to replace your head/skin color instead of theirs))
   - (Male) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/carni-1423464/
   - (Male) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/circus-barker-hat-in-preview/
   - (Male) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/carnival-pig/
   - (Male) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/mysterious-skin/
   - (Female) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cute-mixed-carnival-girl/
   - (Female) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cute-cupquake-inspired-carnival-girl/
   - (Female) http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/popcorn-girl-blonde-hair/

Offline madgaz

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #1 on October 15, 2013, 11:13:06 AM »
My username is madgaz. I will be able to work on Saturday the 26th. I would be any position that is needed. I am apart of staff. The rank I am is Helper. I am willing to change my skin. I have'nt ever been kicked/banned for bad behaviour.

Offline dawbro

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #2 on October 15, 2013, 01:23:05 PM »
My name is dawbro and I will be able to work on the 26th as a Park Security Guard (that is what I prefer but I can work any position). I am not a  part of the Famcraft staff. I can change my skin and I have never been kicked/banned for bad behavior.

Offline vespamartio

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #3 on October 15, 2013, 02:57:03 PM »
My name is vespamartio. I will be able to work on Saturday the 26th. I would prefer Head of Fireworks, magician, or Plenary please. I am not a part of staff. I can change my skin. I have not been banned or kicked for bad behavior. And I would love to be a part of such a fantabulous event! :>>  :-*
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline Gedude

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #4 on October 15, 2013, 02:59:44 PM »

Your Username: Gedude

Will you be available to 'work' on Saturday, October 26th?:  Yes

Which position would you like: Shooting Gallery Attendant

Are you part of the staff: No

If you are staff, what rank are you: I said I wasnt Gawd D:

Are you willing to change your skin?: Its been changed but I have a no blood version

Have you ever been Kicked/Banned for bad behavior? (I can check): Accidently by Anna. You know how that is.

Cielo Gedude: I'm on the edggee
Cielo Gedude: Of glorryy
Gedude hit the ground too hard

Offline DiamondHero8

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #5 on October 15, 2013, 03:10:01 PM »
I will be able to work  on Saturday,October 26th
I would like to be Plenary,Ghosts, or Park Security Guard Please  ;D
I have never been kicked or banned for bad behavior :)
I am not staff
I am willing to change my skin

  Good day  ;D

Offline DiamondHero8

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #6 on October 16, 2013, 07:04:50 AM »
My username is madgaz. I will be able to work on Saturday the 26th. I would be any position that is needed. I am apart of staff. The rank I am is Helper. I am willing to change my skin. I have'nt ever been kicked/banned for bad behaviour.
wait you only have 2 posts p.p

Offline Luke_Bruck

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #7 on October 16, 2013, 11:26:23 AM »
wait you only have 2 posts p.p

<FamCraftIRC> (SrMod: ~Hobo) Rule #1 Breaking the rules is against teh rules
<FamCraftIRC> (SrMod: ~Hobo) Rule #2 Dont think about breaking rule #47
<FamCraftIRC> (SrMod: ~Hobo) Rule #3 No Dilly Dallying

Offline DiamondHero8

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #8 on October 16, 2013, 03:44:17 PM »
wait you only have 2 posts p.p

I thought he would have more than that

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #9 on October 16, 2013, 03:58:35 PM (Edited October 18, 2013, 07:07:28 PM) »
Your Username: Rundrop
Will you be available to 'work' on Saturday, October 26th?:  Yes
Which position would you like: Dunk tank worker OR Magician
Are you part of the staff: Yes
If you are staff, what rank are you: JrMod
Are you willing to change your skin?: Yes
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

Offline eGI

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #10 on October 17, 2013, 12:23:37 PM »
Your Username: eGI, egijr, eGI The Great and Amazing, etc
Will you be available to 'work' on Saturday, October 26th?:  Probably not, I just wanted to fill this out
Which position would you like: being me and doing me things like flying around in circles at the speed of a speeding eGI and dive bombing Rundrops, blowing up the pumpkins and stealing all the melons to keep them safe...  yea that's it... keep them safe
Are you part of the staff: Nope, I once was, then I wasn't anymore
If you are staff, what rank are you: Master of the Universe... oh you meant staff position not universal position... sorry about that
Are you willing to change your skin?: My skin is unique to me, and besides, it scares Anna
Have you ever been Kicked/Banned for bad behavior? (I can check): Yup, Micah didn't like me seeing the Spam Song, and I used to kick myself when I was staff
Head Coach Middle School Cross Country and Track
Assistant Coach High School Cross Country and Track

I know running... and a few other things...

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #11 on October 18, 2013, 01:52:32 PM »
Hey egi, You can make the head your 1st layer and put the head they want you to wear as the 2nd layer :o Thats what I always do
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

Offline SirHuggyPaws

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #12 on October 20, 2013, 09:03:21 AM »
My username is SirHuggyPaws, I would like to be an animal handler, I will be on Saturday the 26th. I am not staff and I have never been banned or kicked for bad behavior.

Offline Jokerz_Her3

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #13 on October 22, 2013, 08:24:10 AM »

Your Username: Jokerz_Her3
Will you be available to 'work' on Saturday, October 26th?:  Yes
Which position would you like: Food Vendor
Are you part of the staff: No
Are you willing to change your skin?: Yes
Have you ever been Kicked/Banned for bad behavior? (I can check): I don't think so.

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: Carnival Volunteer Form!
« Reply #14 on October 23, 2013, 06:24:00 AM »
The First post has been updated with a list of current volunteers. I'll contact you all in-game as soon as i don't feel icky <3