I have spent the past 2 week in wasteland working on this house and now that I am done I would like to give it away! So here is how this will work. You post down below why you want it, what you will do with it, and (optional) what you will give me. I am look for to types of people someone poor who would use it or someone rich would pay for it (so I could give the money or what ever it is away).
About the Wasteland house
Zombie Exp Farm - Switch kill/collect drops
- Switch on/off
- Button to kill all with lava if it gets laggy
- Chests below for drops
- View it all through glass from under with piston door to keep light out
Chest Room - Every thing even the diamonds!
- All furnaces, brewing, stands, anvil, enchantment table with books and even a water source
Farm - Water melons ,pumpkins, sugar cane, potatoes, wheat and a few carrots
Tree Farm - Farms oak and birch trees
- Tall but only tall enough that trees that you can reach will grow
Mushroom Farm - Grows brown and Red Mushrooms
- Door piston to keep light out
- Light switch
Secret - Can't be seen from out side (cave)
- Hidden piston door to cave
Theme - All themed with wood and stone brick
- I even bought glowstone and crack and mossy brick
Upper House - Indoor animal farm
- All decorated
- Tree farm out back for trees what want grow in the main house
- Fast drop way to main base
My Shop - For +60k I will through in my shop with all the stuff in it
Pics -

If you want to see it in game just mail/msg me!
Good luck!