
Author Topic: Username and Skin  (Read 26796 times)

Offline vespamartio

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Username and Skin
« Opened on November 16, 2013, 10:58:34 PM »
This topic has been on my mind the past few days so i decided to open it up to you guys.

Please share with us what made you chose your username, what influenced you to pick the name you have.

And also share why your skin is what it is.

I'll start

I chose "vespamartio" because when i bought my minecraft account, it was the end of summer and I had just spent all summer in a summer camp. It was fun and one game we played was... a game... and there were motorcycles in the game. Everyone was always fighting over them and saying "NO, My vespa" and it just got stuck in my head and i made that the first part of my name...
The "martio" part of it is simply because i like Mario but i didn't want to use the just the name so i made it unique :>

My skin is simply because i was a noob at the time i chose it and i thought diamonds were the COOLEST thing so i searched up a bunch of diamond skins and picked this one :>
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Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #1 on November 17, 2013, 12:14:49 AM »
When i first started playing minecraft, i used to play under the name "Cakefortwo" -- which is an old username Jim and I created for our wedding blog (as in, a slice of wedding cake to share between two people?) But since we had to keep putting off the wedding, the blog i had made with the same name, turned into my random blog instead, and i began posting whatever.

Realizing that was a silly name to join servers with, I ended up making a new account with the name "Boysandghouls". It's a (punny?) way of saying "Boys and Girls", but girls is "Ghouls" because i love me some zombies ;D

My skins sort of evolved into what they are. At first, i was Ghoulia Yelps from Monster High (a skin i'd made myself), and then i became obsessed with FTB and wanted to make a steampunk city with all the cool mods. So my skin turned into a steampunk girl. I loved her goggles and hair, as I hadn't seen any other "girl" skin with them, and decided to keep them when i changed my outfits :P

I tend to edit my outfits to fit the holiday (and sometimes my hair color) but the goggles, and the wavy hair is kind of my thing now :P

Offline ChiefCrazyCow

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #2 on November 17, 2013, 12:42:55 AM »
For my username, well I kinda started watching PauseUnpause and he has an Indian skin, and my favorite Indian that lived was Chief Crazy Horse so I started formulating Indian names with Chief Crazy and well... ChiefCrazyCow got my attention so I picked it, and the Indian skin I saw fitting to the name.

Offline Gedude

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #3 on November 17, 2013, 01:47:28 AM »
I like Geodudes. Geodude was already registered. End.
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Offline Cleopatra03

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #4 on November 17, 2013, 01:48:57 AM (Edited November 30, 2013, 01:17:47 AM) »
Well... Mine is because my fave character in History is Cleopatra and that created the first halff of my name. My numbers are just coz i was born is 2003 so that made it Cleopatra03

and i just make random girl skins sooo yeah

Offline madgaz

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #5 on November 17, 2013, 07:03:34 AM »
For my username I picked madgaz because my nick-name (IRL) is Gaz, and I just added the mad on to make it look a bit cool  8)

Offline FamcraftHobo

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #6 on November 17, 2013, 10:11:08 AM »
My first account, somehobo365 was just random and then I lost it.  Made another account  put "Famcraft" in it because this is really the only server I like because of the community  :D and then Hobo in it because of previous said account.

My skin was chosen because I love the Vault Boy from a game...
I mean, how can you not love this:
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Offline Luke_Bruck

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #7 on November 17, 2013, 10:46:48 AM »
Username: On all my previous accounts on everything else (Baseball Websites, Console games, Steam, etc) I had always used some variation of "Baseballfreak" such as BAS3BALLFR3AK or Bas3ballfr33k etc. Because I uhh... love baseball. When I was first introduced to Minecraft by Chris and his friends, I was bored to tears. After seeing Chris' friend get a minecraft account, he was too young to create his own account, so his Father made it for him as a present I think, and named it his name (his father's name) Mark_Pfeifer, with an underscore :D So when I created my username it was either Bas3ballfr33k or some variation, or Luke_Bruck. I sometimes enjoyed it when players called me "Baseball" but it got pretty old on Steam, consoles, etc. I wanted to be called Luke so I chose Luke_Bruck.

Skin: I wanted a custom skin that everyone could remember me by, and that resembled me, so I edited a skin I found into what I like. The skin absolutely had to have orange orange orange in it. My favorite animal is a Squirrel so the top of my skin has a Squirrel's face on it  :P

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Offline MrChris13

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #8 on November 17, 2013, 10:50:56 AM »
      When I first joined minecraft, I brainstormed for account names. I had some other accounts in which my user was "mrchris6800" because Steam randomly picked the numbers and I thought it looked cool. I made an account with that name, but I registered a made-up email and my Mom thought it wouldn't be wise not to have a real one. So, I was 13 at the time and I just put that at the end (since I couldn't change the email on the other account, it wasn't real :P).

      Now, you may all be wondering why "Mr" is on the front of my name. My Dad has called me "Mr. Christopher" for a long time, longer than I can remember, and I thought it was kinda cool. I like being called "Chris" more than "Christopher" (although both names are pretty much the best words ever in the universe) and so I subsiquently became "MrChris13".

      Okay, so then I went around on websites looking for the coolest skin I could find, I don't really remember having anything other than "Flash" and I think I had "Superman" at one time too. Anyway, I was playing one day thinking about my favorite superhero's. I was like, "So who would look the coolest as a Minecraft character?" I've always loved Captain America because of how buff and nice he is. So, I was like "Oh my gosh! This is the best skin ever!" when I found one I liked. (It had a shield on it, but then somehow I lost my skin and could only find one without a shield :/)

     So yeah! That's how it happened from start to end :P

For those who don't wanna read all that: I picked MrChris13 because Mr. Christopher is my nickname IRL, and Captain America is my favorite super hero so I picked that :P.

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Offline Rundrop

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #9 on November 17, 2013, 11:04:52 AM »
Picked Rundrop for... uhh... bvftbhggfvbnjgjfy. And that's everything you need to understand why Rundrop was such a great name, and has impacted everything ever. (Don't even remember, it was like in 2005 xD)

And I picked a Cyclops skin because I found this one skin that was a Titan, which made me think of my passion for greek myths and legends at the time, and the COOLEST person in greek mythology is polyphemus, But I couldnt even find a Cyclops skin let alone a polyphemus skin. So I tried my hardest to create a skin I liked. And back before the 2nd layer of the head still didn't move when you crouched, my skin had this weird thing where it would smile. lol. I liked my skin so much, and was so proud of it, that I decided this skin suited me, and that I would change clothes and stuff in other skins but I would always stay cyclops.
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #10 on November 17, 2013, 03:02:38 PM »
First of all this is my first Minecraft account, so i was pretty newbie at minecraft when i chose the name "HaydenTheBuilder" I chose this name bc i knew minecraft involved building and i like building stuff (like lego) & my name IRL is Hayden. So ya.

My skin was a CookieMonster in a suit for a few months (I randomly found it) then my friend showed me this cool skin so i have that skin until now.

http://theminecraftserverlist.com/player/HaydenTheBuilder To see the skin:)
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Offline BretBuscus

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #11 on November 19, 2013, 08:26:10 PM (Edited November 19, 2013, 08:28:07 PM) »
Before I started playing Minecraft, I had played a game called Combat Arms, and I had used the name MrBretRosin, as (obviously) Bret Rosin is muh nam. (Cuz I are not creative.) People would always call me Mr Rosin, so I used it for my minecraft account, but MrBretRosin was taken, so I just decided to put x's on the beginning and end cuz I thought it looked kinda cool. Now it's just like meh. Y'know? :P I kinda wish I could change my minecraft username to BretBuscus, but I don't see any point in buying a new account for a game I don't really play much anymore. So lol. My story. ^

My skin is what it is because I'm a huge fan of Tobuscus. I haven't changed it in over a year now, except for holiday versions of it. It was custom made by someone, and edited by me to closely match the one that Tobuscus himself uses, with the exception of the large B on the front and the fact that it's cyan and not lime green.

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #12 on November 20, 2013, 06:32:57 AM »
Before I started playing Minecraft, I had played a game called Combat Arms, and I had used the name MrBretRosin, as (obviously) Bret Rosin is muh nam. (Cuz I are not creative.) People would always call me Mr Rosin, so I used it for my minecraft account, but MrBretRosin was taken, so I just decided to put x's on the beginning and end cuz I thought it looked kinda cool. Now it's just like meh. Y'know? :P I kinda wish I could change my minecraft username to BretBuscus, but I don't see any point in buying a new account for a game I don't really play much anymore. So lol. My story. ^

My skin is what it is because I'm a huge fan of Tobuscus. I haven't changed it in over a year now, except for holiday versions of it. It was custom made by someone, and edited by me to closely match the one that Tobuscus himself uses, with the exception of the large B on the front and the fact that it's cyan and not lime green.

You can go to this link: http://theminecraftserverlist.com/search?query=TobyTurner and download his exact skin :>

Offline BretBuscus

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #13 on November 20, 2013, 07:59:52 AM »
I don't want his exact skin cuz I'm not him. :o

Offline greban

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Re: Username and Skin
« Reply #14 on November 20, 2013, 01:55:20 PM »
my name is from an old MUD (mutli-user dimension or dungeon) for those of you to young to know what this is it is a text based adventure game that us old people played when the internet first came out and all we had was dial up internet.  :P it was the name of my chaotic-evil priest. to get the name i wrote down the alphabet and randomly made 10 marks on the paper with my eyes closed and then out of those ten letters i made a list of names. Greban seemed to fit the idea of the character i had in my head. ever since then any gaming i do my username is always Greban. its become my internet persona of sorts.

my skin was Link from the Legend of Zelda games because i loved those games so much. However i have recently changed it to a highly customized demon skin as i am the FTB fiend! <insert evil laugh here...> 8)