
Author Topic: 1/3 of Super Spawner For Sale **SOLD**  (Read 3335 times)

Offline chipw

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1/3 of Super Spawner For Sale **SOLD**
« Opened on November 20, 2013, 08:28:59 PM (Edited November 20, 2013, 09:08:47 PM) »
I'm selling my portion of the Super Spawner system.  As more and more Famcrafters become millionaires, more and more money is available to be made.  The person the purchases my stake in the spawner system will receive a third of each subscription sale.  This equals 333,000.00 each time.

Responsibilities for maintaining include:

Improving the system from time to time
Sharing the cost of adding to the system to make it better
Keeping the system cleaned.  In other words, checking the chest once in a while and straightening them out once in a while.
Help keep repairs up when needed.
Making sure the other two owners are paid when you receive a subscription payment.

Currently, the system's assets are:

Maxed out iron, spider, zombie pigmen, and wither/skelly spawners (16 spawners each)
witch spawners
slime spawners
creeper spawners
Ghast spawners
Blaze spawners
Meat farm - 6 cow, 4 pig, and 2 chicken spawners
Double tower enderman farm
Log farm
And our main lobby with Stargate access to everywhere in the system.

I'm asking 10 million for my stake in the system + access for me and my wife Jenny (kc8mat in game name).  I have much much more than that invested.  If interested, please PM me here or /mail send chipw [message] in game to set up a meet time to make payment.

This asking price is firm, but it won't take long to make the money back.  If you are a current subscriber to the system, I will deduct what you paid for access.
(Owner: bknysnake) move road...
(Owner: bknysnake) move
(JrAdmin: roadkilered) its ok we got it
roadkilered has died of unknown causes