I would like to start out by admitting my wrong doings. before I was banned, I was in a horribly bad mood, i was trying to ask Chris (i don't know His full name, but he is the man with a captain america skin) if he would like to go on my personal server. when staff told me that i could not advertise different servers, i admit, i got angry, i swore a few times, and i gave said staff attitude, and i was Very, Very wrong for what i did. in result, i was bannned permanetly, and i cried

. i have beat my self u for how i treated my family, for this past year i have been looking for a better server, i have never came acrossed one, is why i am here pleading for unbann. i believe that i slipped up, i am human, just like everyone else, i had a problem. i have been banned for a year now, i feel that i have fixed my problem, and i really would love to get back to my very own second family
Sincerely, Wurzbacher