
Author Topic: What Should I sell at my shop?  (Read 13470 times)

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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What Should I sell at my shop?
« Opened on January 01, 2014, 03:41:27 PM »
Guys, recently i bought a shop in Faxandu mall (its the first one that u see on the right) and i have NO idea what do sell. So PLZ tell me what i should sell at my shop. It can be anything. Just reply below.
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Offline eGI

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #1 on January 01, 2014, 05:08:56 PM »
You could do what I've done.  My shop changes what it sells fairly often.  First off I sell what I have an excess of and do not need (depending on the item, sometimes at a very marked down price to get rid of it).  If I see things that sell pretty well then I try to keep them in stock like I used to do with wood before people started buying wood at crazy high prices.  Don't be set on just specific items, if you find something that sells well, keep it in stock either by collecting it when you are running low or by setting aside some chests at your home or storage area for excess of the item to make restocking easy. 

Something to look at doing is to establish a buy/sell shop.  I don't recommend doing this until you either have over 1 million coins to absorb the mass selling that will occur when you first place those chest shops or to start with all of your buy/sell chests full.  The advantages of a buy/sell shop is you do not have to worry about filling up those chests as much as people will sell to your shop and other people will buy from your shop.  A quick example of this would be my buy/sell name tag chest shop.  People can sell me name tags at 5000 coins each and buy them at 6000 coins each.  So for each name tag that is sold to me and then bought from me I make 1000 coins, and yes they do sell, just not super fast. 

I know I didn't give you any advice on what to really sell, just some overall pointers from what I've seen you have to do to make your shop successful over the long term, and just remember not to get discouraged if it takes you a while to make back the money you spent on the shop.  It took me about 2 1/2 months to make back the money I spent on the shop, others it takes longer.

The last bit of advice on a shop I will give you is to watch chat and see what players are asking for and if you start to notice people asking for a specific item or items, then that would be something good to sell in your shop, either as a short term temporary item to make some quick money or as something you stock up on and sell for the long term.
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #2 on January 01, 2014, 05:58:56 PM »
thanks for the detailed advice egi :D
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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #3 on January 02, 2014, 01:43:49 AM »
You can sell wool, no one besides Anna sells wool anymore.

Offline micahdg

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #4 on January 02, 2014, 05:00:38 AM »
You could do what I've done.  My shop changes what it sells fairly often.  First off I sell what I have an excess of and do not need (depending on the item, sometimes at a very marked down price to get rid of it).  If I see things that sell pretty well then I try to keep them in stock like I used to do with wood before people started buying wood at crazy high prices.  Don't be set on just specific items, if you find something that sells well, keep it in stock either by collecting it when you are running low or by setting aside some chests at your home or storage area for excess of the item to make restocking easy. 

Something to look at doing is to establish a buy/sell shop.  I don't recommend doing this until you either have over 1 million coins to absorb the mass selling that will occur when you first place those chest shops or to start with all of your buy/sell chests full.  The advantages of a buy/sell shop is you do not have to worry about filling up those chests as much as people will sell to your shop and other people will buy from your shop.  A quick example of this would be my buy/sell name tag chest shop.  People can sell me name tags at 5000 coins each and buy them at 6000 coins each.  So for each name tag that is sold to me and then bought from me I make 1000 coins, and yes they do sell, just not super fast. 

I know I didn't give you any advice on what to really sell, just some overall pointers from what I've seen you have to do to make your shop successful over the long term, and just remember not to get discouraged if it takes you a while to make back the money you spent on the shop.  It took me about 2 1/2 months to make back the money I spent on the shop, others it takes longer.

The last bit of advice on a shop I will give you is to watch chat and see what players are asking for and if you start to notice people asking for a specific item or items, then that would be something good to sell in your shop, either as a short term temporary item to make some quick money or as something you stock up on and sell for the long term.
This is why I love economy server and shop plugins :)
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #5 on January 02, 2014, 06:55:22 PM »
i will start informing people about wat im buying selling at my shop using this thread.
THE SHOP IS LOCATED IN THE FAXANDU MALL (its the first one htat u see on the right when u first go to the mall)
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #6 on January 02, 2014, 07:36:58 PM (Edited January 03, 2014, 08:40:49 AM) »
Here's some of them:

Glass- selling 64 for 500

All Kinds of wood- selling 64 for 6000 AND buying 64 for 4000!

Saddle- selling 1 for 600

Iron Blocks- selling 64 for 6000, buying 64 for 3000

Mycelium and Podzol- slling 32 for 750

Quartz - selling 16 for 1000, buying 16 for 750

Steak- selling 16 for 500, buying 16 for 400

Wool- selling 16 for 200

Coal- selling 16 for 500

Spawn Eggs-  COMMON-selling 1 for 3000
                       RARE        selling 1 for 4000

Emerald- selling 1 for 400

Obsidian- selling 8 for 300

Bookshelf selling 32 for 960

Netherrack- selling 64 for 500

Netherbrick- selling 32 for 500

All kinds of dyes - selling 1 for 5

Name Tags - selling 1 for 2000






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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #7 on January 03, 2014, 07:59:51 AM (Edited January 03, 2014, 05:18:46 PM) »
Iron Blocks- selling 64 for 6000, buying 1 for 3000

This is a typo, right? You're not really gonna pay $3,000 for one block of iron?

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #8 on January 03, 2014, 08:40:18 AM »
oop. fixing that XD
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #9 on January 07, 2014, 08:49:03 PM »
To keep things updated, the setup of my shop is being delayed. Sorry for the inconvinience. It will be ready next week.
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Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: What Should I sell at my shop?
« Reply #10 on April 18, 2014, 05:45:29 AM »
Come visit my shop at the green section of the main mall! I sell all kinds of dyes, wool, hardened clay, and glass. At my shop you can sell your logs for 3000 per stack.  SELL ALL YOUR QUARTZ TO ME.
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