
Author Topic: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft (Continued in replies!)  (Read 35793 times)

Offline Chronomad

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StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft (Continued in replies!)
« Opened on March 09, 2014, 07:36:34 PM (Edited March 28, 2014, 10:09:41 PM) »
Hey FamCrafters, as the title says, it's time for Soma to tell a little tale.. I'll be adding pieces of the story in the coming days to the OP. I hope you guys enjoy!

Soma sighed heavily and wiped the sweat from his brow. He had spent the last 4 days in the mines and missed the sunlight. His dwarven resolve was quickly fading and his biceps grew weak. I need a break.. he thought to himself. He climbed slowly up the slope of the mine toward the entrance. It was night time in the little village of Ghast Valley. Soma stretched and marched toward his little cottage in the west of the village, yawning fiercely as he pushed his door open. Soma wasn't entirely a dwarf, His father was the king of the dwarven city of Asgarnia while his mother was merely a human. Soma had long black hair that fell in his face and touched the lower part of his neck. He was fairly muscular from working long hours in the mines. His eyes were a piercing hazel color that seemed to stare inquisitively at everything they could. He usually wore a pair of black pants with tall leather boots. He wore no shirt, as the mines tended to cause clothing to grow filthy quickly.Around his forehead, Soma donned a red headband, given to him by his father. Soma stripped off his armored shoulder plates and crawled into bed, letting sleep take over.

Anna stood in the stargate room with a cheerful smile on her face. "Okay well, that's about it! I hope you enjoyed your tour!", she gestured to a newcomer. "Welcome to the world of Famcraft!" The new player ran off toward a stargate and jumped through, eager to start his adventure. Anna exhaled with a look of satisfaction on her face. "Another tour in the bag."Anna was a ragdoll with blonde hair and green 'skin'. Her stitches were clean, and her demeanor proper. She snapped her fingers and floated slowly into the air. Before she could take off into full flight, Thoatt appeared behind her. Thoatt sported a black suit and red tie with close cropped hair and a bright smile. He always seemed to be there when it was least expected. "You've still got it Anna." , Thoatt said with his trademark bright smile. "Well, there are no new players, no reports to file, noone misbehaving, what do you wanna do?" Anna scratched her head and pulled out a small glowing book. "I'd love to goof off with you Thoatt, but Soma needs me for a W.E. I'll have to go take care of that!" And with that, she warped away, leaving Thoatt grinning as he pulled out a sparkling diamond sword. "Well, I suppose I'll go kill some pigmen then!" And he jumped into the nether stargate.
Seth ran through the forest as the sun rose over the hills, his tattered armor breaking off with each step.  A plethora of skeletons sprinted after him, blasting arrows through the trees. One of them embedded itself in Seth's arm. "Agh!" he shouted in pain. "You bony jerks! Take this!" He swung his diamond sword through the woods, unleashing a flury of flame into the growing light. The blast cut through the wood and sliced two of the skeletons in half. They crumbled to dust and dropped their bows. Only six undead monsters remained. They simoltainously nothched their arrows and launched a volley into the air. Seth weaved and dodged  until he came to the mouth of a cave. He dived in, hoping to escape, only to realize that the cave went two steps back and stopped. He quickly jammed two boulders in the entrance, leaving a crack for him to peak through. As he peered through the hole, a skeletal face appeared, strartling Seth and causing him to jump back. The skeleton stabbed at the hole with its bow as its brothers prepared their bows to fire. Suddenly, they all burst into flame and began to turn into dust. The sun had finally risen! He was safe.That was close. I should get back to Soma and let him know about all these monsters around the area. Seth held out his hands and they began to glow a cool blue. With a flash of light, he disappeared.
Soma was awoken suddenly by a knock at the door. He groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What is it!?" He hobbled over the the door and opened it to see a large chicken-man doubled over in pain. It was Max. He was very experienced in all fields, a jack of all trades and Soma trusted him with any task. What was he doing here? "Hey Max, how are you?" Max looked up with a grimace on his face. "We've been out of food for 2 days over at GSQ." He gagged slightly and covered his mouth. "I ate some rotting flesh and It's not agreeing with me." He lurched  to the left and began to vomit into a nearby bush. He wretched a few times before coming up and wiping his beak. Max turned to Soma and shrugged. "We should really talk to Camel. I heard he's invested in a huge meat farm." Soma looked over into the nearby woods and saw figure running towards him. "Hey Max, isn't that Seth?" Max turned around and spotted a black figure with glowing green eyes sprinting out of the woods. "Hey it is! Hey Seth!" Seth ran up to Soma and fell onto his bottom in an attempt to catch his breath. "Soma- Mobs- In woods- Careful!" He gasped. Soma looked up into the sky and spotted Anna descending from the clouds. "Looks like it's a party!" Soma said with a grin. "Hey Anna!" Anna waved and landed smoothly on her feet "Hey ya'll! How is everyone?" Soma smiled brightly as he handed Seth a health potion and a steak. "I'm great Anna! I'm glad you're here!" Anna scratched her head and smiled. "I'm always here to help! Where did you need cut out?"Auzeru and the others walked over to a huge,shallow and round hole in the ground. "Well basically Anna, I need This cut down about 55 yards. Can you do that?" Anna smiled. "Sure can Soma!" She pulled out a wooden hatchet and pointed it at the hole. The axe glowed bright yellow and began to shoot a thin beam that traced the circle in rapid succession. The beam progressed for a few moments and then stopped. Suddenly, a huge blast of yellow light shot from the hole, releasing a blast of energy that knocked everyone from their feet. "W-What the heck is that!? All I wanted was a world edit!" Soma said, with a look of shock on his face. The blast of energy came again, amplified this time. So much so that it blasted Soma into a tree and caused him to faint.



Soma opened his eyes groggily and stared at the sun above him. He blinked a few times before sitting up and looking around. Something was wrong. He wasn't in Ghast Valley... "What happened?" he thought. He got to his feet and began to survey his surroundings. He was in a snow covered forest. The goosebumps began to crawl over his skin as he realized he still lacked a shirt. "Anna!? Max? Seth?? Where are you guys?" He shouted. Fear began to boil in the pit of his stomach. Where were they? What had happened? "The last thing I remember is a world edit..and then that light!", he thought. He ran his fingers through his hair thoughtfully and began to wander aimlessly north. He jumped back as a strange creature leapt from the tree's. It was a squirrel! "What the heck is that thing doing here?" Soma broke into a sprint and raced through the forest. There was an array of new creatures roaming the forest. It was all to much for Soma to handle. In his panic, he crashed into a huge pile of living diamond ore.
Vespa fell onto his bottom as a young man thudded into him. "Oof!" He pushed the person off and realized that it was his old friend Soma. "Soma! I'm so glad to see you! What the heck happened?" Soma got to his feet and dusted himself off. "I could ask you the same thing! I woke up and everything was just gone! No more Spawn Village, no more Ghast Valley, Not even my beautiful mine shafts!" Soma shook his head and brushed his hair out of his face. Vespa was an animated golem made from diamond ore who wore a black shirt and red tie. He was fairly small for a golem, but he didn't lack the strength that his kind was famous for. The diamonds embedded in Vespa's rocky exterior glistened in the sun. "So what do you suggest we do?" Vespa said. "We have no choice but to try and survive." Soma said matter-o-factually. He began to assault a nearby oak tree and Vespa followed his example.
Anna jammed her stone sword into the zombies head and used her foot to wrench it free. She backed against the wall of the cave she had taken refuge in and swung her sword in a wide arc, attempting to drive off her attackers. "This is so bad!",She thought. "Why can't I fly!?" She ran along the wall and pushed off, thrusting her foot into the temple of one of the 5 zombies left. Using all of her strength, Anna drew back and stabbed forward, skewering 2 of the zombies but also costing her a sword. Unarmed, she let loose a volley of punches hoping to dissuade her enemies. The tactic worked and she ran forward towards a beam of light coming through a gap in the ceiling. She threw herself upwards and pulled herself through the hole. She had made it to the surface and ended up in a plains. Anna looked into the sky and a look of anger crossed her dainty face for only a second as she saw the moon high in the sky. She broke into a sprint and and ran across the big field. I need to head back to spawn! Maybe Someone else arrived..
Soma brushed his pants off and stood back to admire his work. In front of him stood a small cottage of oak logs and planks accented by cobblestones. The cottage took him a short time to build and it wasn't the best, but he was proud of it. Vespa crawled out from a small cave with a small sack. He dumped out the sack and revealed a pile of iron and coal. "Soma, maybe YOU should do the mining. I'm sick of getting mobbed by creepers down there!" Vespa gestured towards his burnt tie. "One of those jerks almost blew me into lava!" Soma chuckled lightly. "Come inside, I found a few cows over the hill. I made 'Soma's Steak Surprise!'" They began to walk towards the cottage when they heard strange rumbling noise. "Soma..? Was that you?" Vespa asked, a worried look crossing his face. Soma shook his head and drew his stone pickaxe. "Quick Vespa, stand back to back. Who knows whats coming?" Vespa withdrew a wooden sword and stood with his back close to Soma. They waited. Nothing happened for a few moments. Suddenly, a huge zombie with bulging pecs and biceps burst threw the woods roaring. "ROOOOAAAARR" Soma's eyes widened. "MUTANT ZOMBIE!!! RUN!" , He shouted. The zombie swept his hand and knocked Both Soma and Vespa against the cottage. Soma's world went black.

Soma opened his eyes a moment later, groggy from the impact.  He quickly collected his senses and dived out of the way of a huge rotting fist. Vespa grabbed a stone sword from his belt and lunged at the beast, point first. The blade drove itself into the giant zombies arm and stuck there. The mutant raised his arm and brought vespa-clinging to the hilt- with it , "Ahhh!!Soma h-help!" , He screamed. Soma looked around for a weapon, the panic rising from the pit of his stomach. He spotted a skeleton burning in the sunlight. As it turned to dust, it dropped a single arrow. Soma dove for the arrow and ran forward. He leapt into the air and jammed the arrow right into the zombies face. It groaned and pawed at the wound uselessly as it fell over dead. Soma collapsed onto his bottom panting. Vespa wrenched the sword from the zombies body. It began to sizzle in the sunlight before beginning to thrash and convulse. With a sickening "POP" it exploded, leaving rotting flesh and green goop all over the ground.

Anna barely felt the arrow embed it self in her arm. Instinctively, she threw herself to the ground and crawled on her belly to the cover of a hollow fallen tree. She felt something moist. To her horror, she realized there was a dead zombie inside of the log with her,it's blood getting all over her clothes. She reeled back with disgust and anger, slamming her head against the top of the log.She fell forward and clutched her head. Anna felt the log pitch forward and begin to slowly roll. She scrambled out of the log as it gained speed and smashed against a tree. She stood up and plucked the arrow from her arm, dragging out a small tuft of stuffing with it. She winced as the arrow left her arm. Anna's eyes twinkled as she found the bow of a dead skeleton. She smiled as she notched the arrow onto the glowing bow. She let it fly through the air and pierced 2 skeletons, knocking them back into a third skeleton. With a satisfied look on her face, Anna proceed to jog towards the spawn.

Thoatt and Tavi were growing tired of each other as they sat in the jungle up their chests in quicksand. "This is all your fault Thoatt!" ,Tavi growled. "MY fault!?" ,Thoat retorted. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been running around like an exp with its head cut off!" Tavi scoffed. "I was trying to dodge a creeper!" Thoatt shook his head. "I've had enough of this!" He squirmed franticly. "If only I could reach the WE hatchet! Although.. that's what got us into this mess in the first place.." The two sat there slowly sinking, waiting for there demise. Suddenly, thoatt's eyes widened. "T-Tavi!" he stammered, blushing in excitement. "What?" Tavi said. "The quicksand- Theres a cavern below it! My feet are flailing freely! If we can just sink faster.." Thoatt said. The two began to squirm around, slowly sinking downwards, until the sand covered there heads.
Soma got to his feet and dusted himself off. A cool wind blew through the valley. Soma brushed his hair out of his face and stared at the carnage before him. Vespa stood next to Soma and shook his head. "This isn't right.." , He muttered. " I thought that maybe the world got reset or something.. but this isn't right." He gestured at the mess in front of him. Soma stared intently at the zombies innards, his eyes twinkling with thought. "Hey Vespa, look! it's a book." Soma jogged forward and plucked the book from the mess and brought it over to Vespa. The two peered into its pages as it slowly opened. The book suddenly blasted out a ray of light which enveloped the pair and sucked them into it's pages. A few paces away, Anna watched in horror as the only other survivors she knew of were sucked into oblivion.
Thoatt's steps were heavy as he trudged through the dank labyrinth. The underground structure was made of moss covered and cracked bricks and at first, appeared to be a stronghold. He pawed at the walls, trying to find his way through safely. Tavi clung to Thoatt's sleeve, afraid to be lost in this strange world.The path suddenly fell off and the two found themselves up to their waists in murky water. Thoatt grit his teeth and waded forward. He bumped into an odd floating object, only to realize that it was the corpse of a zombie.And it wasn't alone."It looks as though someone or something went on a zombie killing spree! " Thoatt thought.  He continued forward without looking down at the murky depths. Tavi fumbled around his backpack and pulled out an extinguished torch. He grinned and struggled to light it with the flint and steel he kept in his pocket. The sparks found the coal and with a loud "FWOOOSH" The torch and the air above the two ignited. They quickly dove into the disgusting water, only tavi's hand remaining above to keep the torch alive. The fire on the ceiling and walls died off and they resurfaced. "Natural gas." , Thoatt guessed. They plodded along until they came upon a circular room with a small pedestal in the center of the water. On the pedestal, sat a man with a large sword and a deadly glare.
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline LightBulbasaur

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The end of Famcraft
« Reply #1 on March 09, 2014, 07:50:52 PM (Edited March 10, 2014, 04:14:00 PM) »
I love it so far :D Keep up the GR8 Work :) also if you read this (can I be that flash of light? Lol Lightbulb lol *Rolf or just be one of the mythical creatures soma runs into lol)(plz dont think you have to)
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Offline Chronomad

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The end of Famcraft
« Reply #2 on March 09, 2014, 07:52:35 PM »
Thanks lightbulb! I appreciate the feedback! Tell yer friends!
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline GatheringExp

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The end of Famcraft
« Reply #3 on March 09, 2014, 08:56:12 PM »
Great story so far, Soma.  I was looking for some constructive criticism to give, but I couldn't find much.  I'll be waiting for the experienced chicken to come in!
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« Reply #4 on March 09, 2014, 09:54:09 PM »
Thanks Exp! I love the feedback.

Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline bknysnake

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #5 on March 09, 2014, 11:12:13 PM »
I'm loving the story, keep it up, I'm eager to read some more :D

Offline Rundrop

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #6 on March 10, 2014, 12:22:13 AM »
Anna and her world edits... LOL. Cant wait for a part 2. Maybe with a Hobo or Mythical One-Eyed creature?
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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #7 on March 10, 2014, 04:35:55 AM »
<3333 Soma <3333 I love it sooo much so far :D It makes me so happy. :) But dat title is scary stuffs D:

 Thanks so much for sharing this, Soma. :D

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #8 on March 10, 2014, 06:38:14 AM »
#melikey  (would consider putting a certain diamond ored mario into this very well written story please :> ) #melikey
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline MrChris13

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #9 on March 10, 2014, 08:11:53 AM »
Uh oh, looks like Anna typed the wrong command again... :I lol Great story so far, Soma! Enjoyed the whole thing  :D

(I bet that a Chris is about to jump out of the woods...)

Offline Luke_Bruck

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #10 on March 10, 2014, 08:39:25 AM »
Very nice c:
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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #11 on March 10, 2014, 09:14:48 AM »
I'm not so sure what the "bright light explosion" from the world edit was... Maybe a /kittycannon? :> Soma has had some nice experience using that before... And by that I mean Seth and I may have made an extremely fast clock shoot exploding cats out of his face while he was trying to build?  8)
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Offline Chronomad

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New chapter!
« Reply #12 on March 10, 2014, 09:25:20 AM »
Also, the world edit dug to deep and unleashed an ancient evil upon the dwarves ;D Jk Jk But itwas the world edit that made bad things happen. keep reading and you'll find out why!
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #13 on March 10, 2014, 09:51:16 AM »
Crashed into a huge pile of living diamond ore, huh? Wonder who that could be... LOL

Offline Stitch 🔷 Jordyn

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Re: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft
« Reply #14 on March 10, 2014, 02:46:18 PM »
Crashed into a huge pile of living diamond ore, huh? Wonder who that could be... LOL

We may never know...  ::)
"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Hello! I'm Stitch! A blue alien koala who sometimes plays as a gray African Wild Dog named Layden!