
Author Topic: StoryTime with Soma! The End of Famcraft (Continued in replies!)  (Read 35812 times)

Offline Chronomad

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Oh My Glob I'm so sorry guys!
« Reply #90 on May 04, 2014, 10:45:54 PM »
(I'm so sorry about the wait there has been SO MUCH going on with my personal life and school. I'll get back on the ball I promise!)

Luke was growing sick of the murky swamp quickly. His orange sweater was caked with mud and he grit his teeth as he waded through the muck. Behind him was a trail of defeated skeletons, and zombies, littering the mud. "I need to figure out whats going on here" , Luke thought to himself. His warm brown hair was filthy with bone dust and mud.Luke dragged a battered iron sword in his right hand. He spat as a fly found its way onto his upper lip. Furiously, He began to charge through the swamp, anxious to escape. He pressed forward only to be stopped by a bubbling mass in front of him. The mud parted to reveal a Naga brandishing a shiny golden blade. The amphibious monster raised its arm and swing the blade at Luke, swiping dangerously close to his chest. He looked down to see his sweater split and blood seeping through. He stared at the ruined cloth as his eyes twitched with fury. "I'll kill you, you overgrown fish!" He lunged at the beast sword point first and unleashed a fury of critical blows, each one more deadly and swift than the last. "I'll make sushi out of you!" , He taunted as he slashed at the creature. The creature fell down in the mud in defeat as it wailed in anguish. It released a shrill cry of what Luke thought was defeat. To his dismay, the mud around him began to bubble further. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled. "Oh well, more experience for me!" He chuckled as he raised his blade.
Soma patted his full belly and smiled. "That was amazing Rundrop! Where'd you learn to cook like that?" Rundrops cheeks turned a shade of darker green. "Aw shoot Soma, theres a cookbook in the Wiki.. I just followed that!" He chuckled lightly. Vespa clasped his hands together and wore a grim expression. "Rundrop, we need to find out whats happened here. This world is obviously not the same." Rundrop looked towards the ceiling of the cave. "I'm well aware, Vespa. Something has upset the balance of our peaceful server and thrust us into this chaotic land." He stood up and walked towards a cauldron and began to scrub the stone plates. "I believe that what we're dealing with here, is a ModWorld." Soma jumped up. "A ModWorld! That would explain everything! Including the sword, the giant and the book to another realm!" Rundrop froze and stared downwards. The cauldron began to bubble with a purple mist. Suddenly, it began to melt into a pool of steaming purple goop. The thick purple liquid begain to seep through cracks in the wall and through the ground. Soma grit his teeth. "Rundrop back away! It's TAINT!" But it was too late. The taint flooded over rundrop and molded itself to the shape of his body. The goop sank into his skin and disappeared. The room bubbled with evil and hummed with a faint energy. Rundrop got to his feet. "Rundrop, are you okay!?" Vespa asked, the concern evident on his face. Rundrop looked up at them and grinned. His eyes had turned completely purple and purple veins throbbed in his neck. Using his cyclops strength, he grabbed the cauldron and hurled it at Soma. Soma ducked and the cauldron sailed over his head, only to smash into Vespa's face, chipping off a piece of it. "Ow that hurt!!" Vespa screamed. Soma dived for his backpack which lay in the corner of the room. He grabbed the blade of the broken sword and spun around to see the corrupted Rundrop looming over vespa's battered form. Soma charged at rundrop and plunged the blade into his side, cutting his own hands. Instead of blood, the taint poured from Rundrops wound and his eyes rolled into his head as he fainted.
(That's all for tonight! I'll do more tomorrow!)
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline MrChris13

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Guys, Rundrop's dead.  :'(

Offline Rundrop

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 :'( :'( :'( Guys I'm dead... :'( :'( :'(
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

Offline vespamartio

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"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline vespamartio

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(I'm that someone :o)
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline Chronomad

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(More story!)
« Reply #95 on May 12, 2014, 03:49:09 PM »
The dark figure sat on a log in the midst of the purple bubbling swamp, meditating. His eyes closed and his focus strong, he remained unmoving. The sun slowly drifted down towards the horizon and darkness began to settle over the landscape. The man opened his eyes and raised his head. He wore a black fedora and matching suit. His eyes were empty and white, and his skin was tanned, darkened by the harsh sun. He wore a blank expression as he got to his feet and adjusted his hat. The man's somber expression broke to slowly reveal a crooked smile, as he launched into the air and took flight.
Soma sat with his legs crossed next to rundrop on the cave floor. Vespa was rumaging through Rundrops storage chests and pulled out a single chunk of diamond ore. Without hesitating, he popped it into his mouth. The chunk of missing stone on his head began to glow and then regenerated as though it was never missing. Rundrop stirred in his sleep and muttered, " Goats... I have to..goats.."Soma looked up a vespa and then down at the bandage on Rundrop's side. "Vespa.. we need to find the others." ,Soma said with a worried look on his face. "They have to be SOMEWHERE in this world." Vespa shook his head. "Our best bet is to stay here until Rundrop is healed. We can use his strength on the journey to find our friends." Soma sighed heavily and fell backwards, staring t the ceiling. "I don't understand this at all!" he put a hand over his eyes. "All I wanted was a hole.."
Anna Stomped towards the house and kicked the door down. It wasn't like her to get angry, but she was frustrated after having her efforts be in vain. She opened a chest and smiled briefly as she pulled out a small pile of iron ingots. She began forging a blade of iron as well as a pair of boots and a chestplate. After about an hour of work, She stood in the center of the house donning her shining new armor. She noticed an odd bolt of large red cloth on the crafting bench beside her. She picked it up and draped it over her shoulders, forming a sort of cloak. The hood she improvised cast a shadow over her face. She stormed through the door, determined to find the family she had come to love.
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline vespamartio

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 :o i'm expensive to heal :> 
and as for that Anna... you watch your temper young lady (but you know, while it's there you might as well use it to obliterate the suspicious dark figure... just a suggestion...)
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline Chronomad

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I want you guys to think about the features of the dark fella and think about who it might be based off of those features.huehuehue
Life is like ThaumCraft. You spend all your time looking for the right aspect only to squander it away.

Offline vespamartio

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everything in the person description matcher bk... except for the white eyes...
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline Stitch 🔷 Jordyn

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I mean... I think we all can tell where this whole 'dark figure' thing is going... Maybe bk has been Plenaried! :o That would explain the crooked smile! Soma, what have you done!?
"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Hello! I'm Stitch! A blue alien koala who sometimes plays as a gray African Wild Dog named Layden!

Offline MrChris13

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* MrChris13 is the 100th reply to this post. :)

Offline Rundrop

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The Story is called "The End Of Famcraft..." so... did plenary kill bk and take his clothing? D:
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

Offline vespamartio

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"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline PixelArtistTavi

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So hey Soma I think you left me and Thoatt back in that quick sand falling through the floor >.>

Offline Rundrop

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wasnt that the whole dark figure thing?
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro