
Author Topic: Reasons Why I Was Banned  (Read 5302 times)

Offline EvilVirtualMan

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Reasons Why I Was Banned
« Opened on March 10, 2014, 04:37:46 PM »
Hi again staff and others.
I am here to put what happened and why. First off I did another plea because my first 1 is locked. So here is what happened: 1 day I was on the sofa watching tv when my mom's friend (aka 99's mom) called and told us Crazy was banned from Famcraft. When I heard this I got really mad. I had a delay and then I raced on to Famcraft and saw Crazy was banned. I got into the Skype call with 99 and the others to calm them down and be happy it was only 3 days. But then 99 decided to record and put it on YT. I did say in chat I was recording but lieing. If anything I was trying to not be the enemy with anyone. So pretty much I don't deserve to be banned. Have a great day and thx for understanding. Cya!!

Offline Kealper

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Re: Reasons Why I Was Banned
« Reply #1 on March 11, 2014, 10:20:52 AM (Edited March 11, 2014, 10:26:03 AM) »
Hi again staff and others.
I am here to put what happened and why. First off I did another plea because my first 1 is locked. So here is what happened: 1 day I was on the sofa watching tv when my mom's friend (aka 99's mom) called and told us Crazy was banned from Famcraft. When I heard this I got really mad. I had a delay and then I raced on to Famcraft and saw Crazy was banned. I got into the Skype call with 99 and the others to calm them down and be happy it was only 3 days. But then 99 decided to record and put it on YT. I did say in chat I was recording but lieing. If anything I was trying to not be the enemy with anyone. So pretty much I don't deserve to be banned. Have a great day and thx for understanding. Cya!!

If anything I was trying to not be the enemy with anyone. So pretty much I don't deserve to be banned.

Here's a quote from you on the video that got you all banned:

He's gonna be getting unbanned in three days, but let's screw with these admins.
Let's all get on, if you guys don't really care about this server, just get on this server and keep chanting, spamming "unban Crazydino, unban Crazydino, unban Crazydino".
If you guys just trust me, it will work [other people cut in right here saying "we will all get banned"] he will get unbanned.

And here's another, from that same video, in case you forgot what you said:

Oh and if you see Thoatt, screw with him more than anybody else.
Ruben, you can leave her alone, but like, Thoatt, he's the one that banned him.
Screw with him; Kill the mother crapper.
Go and screw [loud noises here from another person's microphone] his day up.

The point of a plea, and the reason why we're giving you all a chance to plea, is because before this incident, you were all pretty ok players. None of you did something extremely seriously bad, and were well-behaved for the most part, until your friend was given a simple three day temporary ban. We really don't like issuing bans, especially permanent ones, so unless it was an absolutely unspeakable crime, we still allow people who are permanently banned to plea for a chance to come back.

However, one of the things we look for when a permanently banned player is pleaing, especially, is whether they understand the reason behind their ban or not, and whether we feel they are sincere in their apology.

Right now, it seems that you don't quite understand why you were banned, so I'll lay it down here now. The reason you were banned was because of that video that you participated heavily in, and that 9989812 uploaded to the public afterwards. Your part in this video was very serious, you put out a call-to-arms for people who don't like Famcraft to join the server and start spamming, and to kill one of the admins here just because you didn't like that your friend was temporarily banned for three days, among other things. This is not ok. It is fine to dislike Famcraft, that is what "free speech" actually means, you were not banned for that. It is not fine when you take that dislike and use it to get others to break our rules in your (or someone else's) name on Famcraft, to get back at us for temporarily banning a friend of yours.

It is still possible for you and your friends to get unbanned, but not before we see that you understand that what you did was wrong, and not nice.

Offline EvilVirtualMan

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Re: Reasons Why I Was Banned
« Reply #2 on March 11, 2014, 04:05:22 PM »
First off I was telling them to stop hating because we're all gonna get banned but did they listen? NO they didn't and yes I do understand your point we did something that gave the server a bad look to make all u guys look bad but believe me. I am sorry for all the bad things I did and lots of my friends are depending on me to get unbanned. And yes I was sort of a jerk to Thoatt but it was because I was in a mad additude. So plz forgive me and I'm very very sorry. Enjoy your day, Evil