
Author Topic: Banned :c (Sorry)  (Read 23052 times)


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Banned :c (Sorry)
« Opened on August 28, 2012, 06:00:10 PM »
Dear Staff of Famcraft,

    Today while mining I accidently pressed “F”, which activated my zombe’s fly mod, which I use in single player. Because of that, I was automatically banned from the server and got a message “Banned for flying”. I am very sorry for my mistake and I will uninstall the mod, so this incident doesn't happen again.  I think this would be classified as a permanent banned because I was using mods. Once again I am truly sorry for my mistake and I hope you can forgive me.      

Offline micahdg

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #1 on August 28, 2012, 06:23:04 PM »
Flying from the bottom of a ravine all the way to the top of a ravine doesn't look like an accident to me.
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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #2 on August 28, 2012, 06:48:31 PM (Edited August 28, 2012, 08:07:40 PM) »
Yes, that was my mistake. Well you see I set my fly key so that "W" is fly up and I change my movement keys from WSAD to UP,DOWN,LEFT,Right arrows when using the mod. So what happened was that I didn't notice I was in fly mode and that is why I flew up.


If you truly believe I totally guilty, then can please you make it a timed banned, because I worked very hard on my house and I do not wish to loose it over 3 secs of flying.

Offline JoeMaster13

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #3 on August 28, 2012, 10:00:37 PM »
I suggest having two separate .minecraft folders for your mods. One for famcraft and one for single player. Details on how todo so are down here:

Every Minecraft mod requires you to open up a new folder from your original minecraft.jar.

Your current minecraft.jar (the one with the fly mod ) should be a folder instead of a JAR file.

Label that something like minecraftSP.jar (anything but minecraft.jar would do)

Take your original minecraft.jar (may be called a .zip on a Mac) and open it up with some program (probably the same way how you opened up your newly named folder)

Google Rei's minimap and optifine (the two mods allowed on famcraft) and place all of the files located in those two mods into the new opened folder (no mod loader needed) and label that folder something like minecraftFC.jar

Now just rename each folder minecraft.jar when you want to play on SP or famcraft.

I recommend that you be careful when changing/renaming folders (on a Mac you can color code) so you don't accidentally fly in famcraft.
Feel free to send me a PM on the forums anytime :D

Offline micahdg

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #4 on August 28, 2012, 10:21:30 PM »
Yes, that was my mistake. Well you see I set my fly key so that "W" is fly up and I change my movement keys from WSAD to UP,DOWN,LEFT,Right arrows when using the mod. So what happened was that I didn't notice I was in fly mode and that is why I flew up.
This still doesn't make sense. If you rearranged all your movement keys to the arrow keys, why would you have pushed, and held down, W at all? And if you did accidentally push, and hold W, why would have you have done so for ~8 seconds, ascending 30 blocks? You do realize I was watching you, right? I was following you through the abandoned mineshaft and stood at the bottom of the ravine while you flew up, fell, and flew up again. I'm trying to understand your excuse but so far it doesn't make any sense.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #5 on August 28, 2012, 11:31:26 PM »
I suggest having two separate .minecraft folders for your mods. One for famcraft and one for single player. Details on how todo so are down here:

Every Minecraft mod requires you to open up a new folder from your original minecraft.jar.

Your current minecraft.jar (the one with the fly mod ) should be a folder instead of a JAR file.

Label that something like minecraftSP.jar (anything but minecraft.jar would do)

Take your original minecraft.jar (may be called a .zip on a Mac) and open it up with some program (probably the same way how you opened up your newly named folder)

Google Rei's minimap and optifine (the two mods allowed on famcraft) and place all of the files located in those two mods into the new opened folder (no mod loader needed) and label that folder something like minecraftFC.jar

Now just rename each folder minecraft.jar when you want to play on SP or famcraft.

I recommend that you be careful when changing/renaming folders (on a Mac you can color code) so you don't accidentally fly in famcraft.

That is what I usually do ,but I just got off playing with a friend on a different server and didn't feel like changing it.

Yes, that was my mistake. Well you see I set my fly key so that "W" is fly up and I change my movement keys from WSAD to UP,DOWN,LEFT,Right arrows when using the mod. So what happened was that I didn't notice I was in fly mode and that is why I flew up.
This still doesn't make sense. If you rearranged all your movement keys to the arrow keys, why would you have pushed, and held down, W at all? And if you did accidentally push, and hold W, why would have you have done so for ~8 seconds, ascending 30 blocks? You do realize I was watching you, right? I was following you through the abandoned mineshaft and stood at the bottom of the ravine while you flew up, fell, and flew up again. I'm trying to understand your excuse but so far it doesn't make any sense.

I think you misunderstood me, I usually play with WSAD but I use the mod I switch my movement controls to the arrow keys. And I am very sorry to argue but I only remember going up once, then I realised I was flying in which I proceeded to the nearest block for safety, and as soon as I land on the block I was banned. Also I set my ascend very fast, and it might have seemed long due to server lag.

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #6 on August 29, 2012, 04:43:19 AM »
You know that mod does have alot of things we don't allow, I won't even argue the case, cause I wasn't there, just saying


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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #7 on August 29, 2012, 01:31:42 PM »
You know that mod does have alot of things we don't allow, I won't even argue the case, cause I wasn't there, just saying

Well actually, I used zombe’s fly mod installer so I only I have the fly mod. I think you might be talking about zombe’s modpack which has 26 mods, but half of them are useless unless you have the permissions to use them.

Offline micahdg

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #8 on August 29, 2012, 02:24:20 PM »
I think you misunderstood me, I usually play with WSAD but I use the mod I switch my movement controls to the arrow keys. And I am very sorry to argue but I only remember going up once, then I realised I was flying in which I proceeded to the nearest block for safety, and as soon as I land on the block I was banned. Also I set my ascend very fast, and it might have seemed long due to server lag.

The problem with your claim is that you could have been flying all day long, but claim you only did it once on accident the 1 time you got caught. I don't have time to follow people around all day to make sure they're not cheating so I act on what I see.

I'll leave it to bknysnake to decide your fate.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
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Offline bknysnake

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #9 on August 29, 2012, 06:46:56 PM »
He lied about it being an accident, I doubt micah would lie about you flying then falling then flying again to go kill something up top. I've known him for a long time. You come clean and we'll think of how many days to keep you banned, otherwise you're just lying and are trying to take us for a fool, bottom line. Usually I'll say keep him permbanned, but it is your first offense, but if it remains a lie what's the point. look at other pleas, people came clean and they got unbanned, those who lie stay banned.

Offline micahdg

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #10 on August 29, 2012, 10:45:52 PM »
The double ascension could have been lag, sure, but ascending 20-30 blocks is just not an accident. Unless you mean you accidentally got caught.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
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Offline bknysnake

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #11 on August 30, 2012, 05:32:03 AM »
yea, I know, that's no way an accident, if I accidentally flew I'll make sure to stop, but then again, I don't make accidents like that so I don't risk getting banned from other servers.


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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #12 on August 31, 2012, 01:05:15 AM (Edited August 31, 2012, 01:09:46 AM) »
He lied about it being an accident, I doubt micah would lie about you flying then falling then flying again to go kill something up top. I've known him for a long time. You come clean and we'll think of how many days to keep you banned, otherwise you're just lying and are trying to take us for a fool, bottom line. Usually I'll say keep him permbanned, but it is your first offense, but if it remains a lie what's the point. look at other pleas, people came clean and they got unbanned, those who lie stay banned.
The problem with your claim is that you could have been flying all day long, but claim you only did it once on accident the 1 time you got caught. I don't have time to follow people around all day to make sure they're not cheating so I act on what I see.

     You make me feel very belittled as you constantly state that I am a lying as I am only trying to speak the truth. And how could you micahdg, make such accusations after seeing me accidently fly once? Also, you say I take you as fools, but I have only polite and sincere to you, as I write these messages. You state that I must “come clean” ,which  I could as easily type a message saying “I am completely wrong, I am such a big liar, and I was cheating,” but I will not, I have too much self-respect.  You may see it as an act of stubbornness but you see I am a man of my word and I do not back down. Furthermore, by the time you unban from the server I could as easily rebuild my house and recover all my hard earn mined minerals.
     As I bid a farewell to FamCraft, may I request that you give my house to JellyDonut44, as she had introduced me to the server.  If she does not wish to have it then please give it to Lovelylaces or roadkilered, because they have been nothing but nice to me and they are the reason why I like FamCraft.  I have three diamond blocks placed, in which two areas are cleared, walled, and fenced and one that is not. I think I will stick to single player for now or play on my bukkit server with some friends. I hope you can respect my decision and I hope your server prospers and receives more players.


Offline bknysnake

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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #13 on August 31, 2012, 06:15:00 AM »
Try to place yourself in our position, where a lot of people claim the same thing at first, "it was an accident, I use these mods on another server". Honestly I've been working besides micahdg for a very long time, and I don't consider him a lier. You see the situation here is, either micah is lying, or you're lying. Honestly you confessed to the mod being on, but yet you claim it's an accident, micah states you flew up once, fell down, didn't take fall damage then flew back up again to kill what ever mob was up there, this is in the staff section. First if it was an accident you wouldn't have went back up again, second, if it was an accident, by the fifth block you should have stoped, but you decided to go up about 20-30 blocks.

I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, but honestly we don't have time to keep watching over people who use mods, cause we are 99.9% sure you'll just try to use it in a more sneakier way (speaking in general). Micah is claiming you are lying. I'll back him up if he said so. If it was another staff, depending their time on the server then I would do a full investigation, but it isn't, it's another owner who caught you, there isn't an argument there.

Another thing would be is, you state you set your fly up from space to w, and to activate it is f, to walk around is up,down,left,right arrows, explain to me, while in a cave, how did you accidently click on f when you should be near the arrow keys? pretty far away from each other right? then you say you must have hit f by accident, then help down w for a few seconds to climb 20-30 blocks. I won't say anymore, guess this stays a permban if you're just going to continue to give us the run arounds.

P.S. Please don't use the excuse that you were trying to enter your invent.


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Re: Banned :c (Sorry)
« Reply #14 on August 31, 2012, 12:00:46 PM »
 To tell you the truth I am tired of arguing. No matter what I say you will only consider my statements "excuses". You said so yourself  that you trust micahdg and that he is your fellow administrator ,so then why would you believe a random kid on the internet over him? So please stop beating the dead dog and end this case. I will stay permanent banned and just give my house to JellyDonut44. I hope you have fun on your little server.