
Author Topic: Optifine  (Read 15560 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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« Opened on May 12, 2014, 09:06:27 PM (Edited March 15, 2021, 10:26:53 AM) »
What is Optifine?

 Optifine is a free client mod that you can use to help your Minecraft run more smoothly, feel faster, and look better.
 Optifine can help you get better fps. Better fps can reduce that feeling some players describe as "lag". Low fps is not true lag- but it does make you feel like you are moving slower, so it is often mistaken for lag.

 Optifine allows you to configure many new options in Minecraft by adding additional settings. It can be very helpful for older, or slower computers, or those relying on on board video chips, instead of a graphics card.

 Optifine is easy to install, and even easier to use. The options are not "hidden" or difficult to navigate. They are under your normal Minecraft>Options>Video Settings section. You'll just see more settings there than you do without Optifine.

 I use Optifine myself, and it doubles my fps. It is difficult for me to enjoy the game without it.

What are some of the optional settings Optifine offers?

 Optifine adds A LOT of new options. We won't go over every one here, but these are my favorite fps-saving options:

Variable Render Distance (example)
- from Tiny to Extreme (2 x Far) in 16m steps
- sun, moon and stars are visible in Tiny and Short distance
Configurable Smooth Lighting (examples)
- from 1% - smooth lighting without shadows
- to 100% - smooth lighting with full shadows

Clear Water
Clear, transparent water with good visibility underwater

Connected Textures
Connects textures for glass, glass panes, sandstone and bookshelf blocks which are next to each other.

Configurable Details
- Clouds - Default, Fast, Fancy
- Cloud Height - from 0% to 100%
- Trees - Default, Fast, Fancy
- Grass - Default, Fast, Fancy
- Water - Default, Fast, Fancy
- Rain and Snow - Default, Fast, Fancy
- Sky - ON, OFF
- Stars - ON, OFF
- Sun & Moon - ON, OFF
- Depth Fog - ON, OFF
- Weather - ON, OFF
- Swamp Colors - ON, OFF
- Smooth Biomes - ON, OFF
- Custom Fonts - ON, OFF
- Custom Colors - ON, OFF
- Show Capes - ON, OFF (supports HD capes)
Configurable animations
- Water Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON
- Lava Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON
- Fire Animated - OFF, ON
- Portal Animated - OFF, ON
- Redstone Animated - OFF, ON
- Explosion Animated - OFF, ON
- Flame Animated - OFF, ON
- Smoke Animated - OFF, ON
- Void Particles - OFF, ON
- Water Particles - OFF, ON
- Rain Splash - OFF, ON
- Portal Particles - OFF, ON
- Dripping Water/Lava - OFF, ON
- Terrain Animated - OFF, ON
- Items Animated - OFF, ON

How do I download and install Optifine? (For Windows, Mac, and Linux)

**Please make sure you have a parent/guardian/PC owner's permission before downloading files on their computer**

 There are several versions of OptiFine available at any given time. For the tutorial, I will use OptiFine HD Ultra for Minecraft 1.16.5,  as it should work for most players.

1.) Make sure you have Minecraft 1.16.5 installed on your PC

 You can do this by closing your game and opening the launcher

 Choose "Installations" near the top of the launcher
 Click "⊕ New..." near the top of that screen
 Name it 1.16.5 (or anything you like)
 Under version selection choose "release 1.16.5"
 Save Profile
 Click "Play" to load the 1.16.5 files
Close Minecraft after it finishes and starts the game up

2.) Download the Optifine HD Ultra installation file for 1.16.5 here:


3.) Locate and run the Optifine file you downloaded.

 You can double click the file to run it. If you can not find the file, check your  Downloads folder.

 When you run the file, click the option to "Install"

 You will see a message that says: "OptiFine successfully installed"

4.) Start the Minecraft launcher.
 *Near the bottom of the launcher, near the green "Play" button, click the version selection button " ⌵ "
 *In the dropdown menu that appeared, find and click: OptiFine-1.16.5_HD_U_G7
 *Click Play

 5.) Play as is, or adjust the options under:  Options > Video Settings

 Good Luck!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Optifine
« Reply #1 on July 08, 2014, 11:46:31 AM (Edited August 17, 2014, 06:22:38 PM) »
How to install Optifine for Famcraft FTB Modpack

 Installing Optifine for FTB is a little different than installing it for your basic vanilla Minecraft client.
 You must install Optifine individually for each FTB Modpack you have, so even if you have it installed on another pack, you will need to do a separate install in order to have it for the Famcraft modpack.

 Follow the instructions below to install Optifine for Famcraft  FTB.

1. ) Download a custom version of Optifine: OptiFine_1.6.4_HD_D1.jar here: https://www.famcraft.com/OptiFine_1.6.4_HD_D1.jar

 This copy of Optifine includes changes to make it work with our pack. A standard copy from the author's website will crash your client.

 Make sure you download it to an easy to find location such as your desktop or downloads folder.

2.) Start your FTB Launcher.

3.)Make sure you've selected the Famcraft pack, then  click the "Edit Mod Pack" button. A window will pop up displaying your "Enabled Mods"

4.) Click the "Open folder" button on the bottom left of the window. This will open your FTB "Mods" Folder.

5.) Place the OptiFine_1.6.4_HD_D1.jar you downloaded in this folder. Be careful to place it directly in the main mods folder, and not in any of the subfolders.

6.) Start up FTB Launcher, Launch the Famcraft pack and you should now have all the Optifine settings available under your Options> Video Settings