While we consider your plea, please go ask an adult you trust about what you said, and why it was not appropriate for a family friendly server. It is very important that you understand why what you said was wrong, and why it would never, ever be tolerated on this server.
- Abusive, racist, sexual, drug-related, belligerent, political, anti-political, religious, anti-religious, and inflammatory chat is not allowed in posts, text, skin, shapes of structures built ingame, text in signs, private messages, or nick/screen names. Remember, we log everything you type everywhere, always, and we keep logs forever. Famcraft is all about Minecraft, not your beliefs or lack of beliefs. These restrictions include a ban on any speech or actions that are commonly considered inappropriate when directed toward children. Among other reasons but mostly because we allow people of all ages to play on Famcraft, we have zero tolerance for any attempted exploitation of children.