
Author Topic: Ender Estates and Dragon Spawners FAQ  (Read 4289 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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Ender Estates and Dragon Spawners FAQ
« Opened on June 10, 2014, 11:35:08 AM (Edited July 27, 2014, 03:57:22 PM) »
Ender Estates and Dragon Spawners FAQ

Q.Hey, I thought these were only available to players who had donated $500 or more irl money to the server. Are they available to everyone now?

A. Yes! The Ender Estates islands are now available for purchase for 15 million Famcoins to anyone who has "Specialty Shop" Access (Formerly known as the Donor Shop) regardless of if the player gained access to the shop through irl money donations, or via Famcoin purchase. This change was made because Famcraft wishes to be fully Minecraft EULA compliant.

Q. What are Dragon Spawners?

A. Dragons spawners are not actually cage-style spawners at all. They are command blocks that are set to spawn a single dragon each time a button is pressed.
 Command blocks can only be set up by an Admin, in creative mode. Command blocks are not available as in in game item for players. Command blocks are an admin only too.

Q. I keep seeing death messages in the game, telling me an EnderDragon is killing players. Where are they spawning? Am I in danger of being killed by a stray dragon?

A. These dragons are being spawned by players who own a spawner located in a completely private End World. The dragons are killed once they have been spawned. The dragons can not get to the main world. You are safe.

Q. I don't hear dragons in the overworld anymore when a player spawns one. Why not?

A. Micah himself created a very special plugin to remove the sounds from the overworld to prevent disrupting players from their regular gameplay.

Q. I heard a rumor there were dragons spawning in the Nether. Is the Nether safe from dragons?

A. These dragons that were spotted in the nether did not actually spawn there. The Dragons were spawned in a private End world, and then they flew through a StarGate that had the purple portal center. No one told the dragons these were StarGates, so they dragons assumed they were Nether portals, and went to the Nether, instead of visiting the correct StarGate destination.
 This situation has been rectified by replacing the StarGates that caused the issue, with StarGates that have the water-style centers. No more confused EnderDragons.
 EnderDragons can not normally pass through regular StarGates. Only Nether Portals. No nether portals will be near the dragons. The Nether will remain free of dragons.

Q. How much do dragon spawners cost?

A. Dragon spawners are intended as a unique item for players who work hard to afford  them. They are located on individual private end islands. As a result, they are priced at 15 million Famcoins.

 Once a player has purchased Specialty Shop (formerly known as the Donor Shop) access with Famcoins in the game, they have the option of purchasing a private end island, which includes a dragon spawner, for 15 million Famcoins (in game money)

Q. These used to be only available to $500 + irl money donors. Why shouldn't I ask or talk about how much real money players have donated? Isn't this acceptable in game conversation?

A. Discussing real money in group settings is never in good taste. People come from all different economical backgrounds and are all ages.
 Some players donate if they can, when they can, others donate on a regular basis. Donating may be easier for some players than it is for others, and for other's still, donating is not an option at all.
 It can make all players, from top donors, to brand new non-donor players uncomfortable to discuss real life money in game.
 I have been asked how much I have donated to the server myself. It always makes me very uncomfortable to be asked, and I do not answer this question.
 You can always read more about donation levels on the form here: https://famcraft.com/index.php?action=treasury
  Or feel free to contact an admin directly by forum mail with any questions you might have. Admin will never reveal the exact amount a player has donated, or reveal who has gifted a donation to a player.


Q. Will you run out of private islands/spawners?

A. No. We currently have 8 set up and readily available. We can create more, if we end up needing more.

Q. That's not fair, it only helps the players who can afford to spend 15 million Famcoins, right? What about the other players?

A. Our players, tend to be generous, clever, resourceful people. Keep an eye on their mall shops and chat, for opportunities you may not have had in the past.  More dragons on the server means more xp bottles and more dragon eggs for sale to players. Have you ever wanted a dragon egg? You are far more likely to be able to buy one now that there will be more available on the server.

Q. Will the dragon spawner owners be selling access to their spawners?

A. This is entirely up to each individual owner. Once they pay 15 million Famcoins for their island and spawner, it is entirely up to them what they do with it.

Q. Do dragon spawner owners have any special rules?

A. The only things we ask is that they do not sell ownership of the actual island/spawner, they do not bring players to the main private End Island StarGate room, and that when dragon eggs are sold in shops- they price the eggs at  500k per egg or more.

Q. Will the Admins still occasionally spawn dragons for players? Will I ever be able to fight a dragon myself?

A. Absolutely. We usually spawn a few dragons at least once a month or so. We enjoy seeing a nice crowd on line, and spawning a few dragons just for fun. This will not change. We will still be spawning dragons for everyone once in a while. We will not do this upon request, but rather when we see a good crowd on the server for it.
In these public EnderDragon fights, whoever gets the xp gets it, and whoever gets the egg, gets it. 

Q. Can I at least see what the Private End islands with the dragon spawners looks like?

A. Sure:

Ender Estates StarGate Room

StarGate to private island

Dragon Spawner - command block spawner, press the button- get a dragon

Private End isle. You are seeing correctly, there are no Endercrystals there. This is intentional, for ease of dragon fighting. Spawning in new EnderCrystals also causes a lot of client lag. So we prefer to have the islands available without the crystals.