
Author Topic: Banned on Temporary Creative Server  (Read 5255 times)

Offline mradvanafire

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Banned on Temporary Creative Server
« Opened on June 11, 2014, 01:45:17 PM »
Hello staff member, this is 'advanafire'. Earlier today I was on the temporary creative server. Then, 'awesone1116' decided to try to annoy me (since we were in an argument earlier) and started blowing up terrain and building right by my modern concept house. I have placed about 10 diamond blocks, but he built right outside of them.

So I contacted Throatt, and all he said was place more diamond blocks. So I decided foolishly to place them right where he was building. Then, I decided to take down his build (which was only a bi-plane), and was banned without warning.

I realize that I did not do the right thing, and even if my friend continues to try to annoy me, I shouldn't grief. I will not break a rule again, since this is my first time doing so, and I will stay loyal to the staff and members.

Offline Thoatt

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Re: Banned on Temporary Creative Server
« Reply #1 on June 11, 2014, 01:48:24 PM (Edited June 11, 2014, 01:50:28 PM) »
I told you to protect YOUR house with diamond blocks. Not other people's builds. You went and griefed his build that was perfectly far enough away from you, and the tnting was done on the other side of a mountain from you.

EDIT: To make this perfectly clear: Awsome1116 did nothing wrong here. You took matters into your own hands, and that is why you are banned on the creative server.

You can come back and play on the survival server when it is back up.