
Author Topic: Request Admin help, if no Admin is online  (Read 11530 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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Request Admin help, if no Admin is online
« Opened on July 03, 2014, 12:35:31 PM (Edited July 07, 2014, 02:38:00 PM) »
  If you are one of those unfortunate players who always finds themselves needing something when no admin is around, read on.

 We are now able to accept admin help requests, even when no admin is currently online. We will receive notifications of these help requests and be able to assist you as soon as we are available.

 *PLEASE ask for an Admin in chat BEFORE using this process. We usually have an admin online who can help you immediately. If no admin is available, then please use this process.

DO NOT post your request in the public forum, instead, please use the "Request an Admin" form located here: http://tools.famcraft.com/request-an-admin/

 In order for this to work, you'll need to know EXACTLY what you want, plus the costs involved.

 While the Famcraft admin team is pretty good at most stuff, we still have not mastered mind reading.

 Your instructions will need to be VERY specific, and you will need to make sure you have the funds to request the services you are requesting, as we will bill your account at the time we perform the requested service.
  You DO NOT have to be online for us to remove funds from your account. Please make sure you know the prices (listed below). Land clearing below sea level is not free, even for donors.

 ONLY make requests for yourself, or the clan YOU own. The player submitting the request is the player that will be billed for the service. No exceptions.
 Submitting a request in another player's name may count as griefing, which is a bannable offence. We are able to verify the in game identity of players using this process, or any part of the forum, so please remember to be careful to only use your own name.
 ONLY request services for your area(s), or the area(s) of the clan you own. Example: Do not surprise your friend with a Stargate linking your homes.

 A good request should include coordinates, details on what you want, and ideally, area's marked out with bright wool or another material. There is a free sheep farm on the "Free Farms" gate at /warp sg if you need wool.

Here are some sample forms for different types of requests. You can copy/paste these as needed, or type up your own detailed info.

 Land Clearing (or platform requests), How to select an area: http://image.famcraft.com/vn8rdruq.png

*All land clearing subject to admin approval.

Request:  Land Clearing

 I would like some land cleared.

 I have selected two corners indicating the land area I need cleared. I have marked these corners with: [block type]

 The first corner is at coords: [ x , y, z ]

 The 2nd corner is at coords: [ x , y, z ]

 I would like the land flatted to level: [ y coord]

 I understand I will be billed for this service, as applicable.

 Stargate request can be for personal gates or linked to the mall/spawn. Gate/Network names need to be 10 characters (including letters, numbers and spaces) or less. You can select a gate style at /warp gates. It helps if you would like to build a placeholder with something like wool/cobble, dirt, so we can see exactly where you want the gate. You do NOT need to build it with the actual materials for the style. An admin will provide the correct materials when we place the gate.

 When requesting a gate linking to the mall, the linking gate must be placed in a player built mall that is fully enclosed, protected with precious stones, and has shops available for multiple players to sell items from. If requesting a mall gate, we only need the coordinate and style info for the 1st gate (that will go in the player-built mall). We will connect it to one of the available gates in the main mall.

 *All gates subject to admin approval.

Request: Two Stargates + Network

 I would like two linked Stargates on a new network.

 The network name will be [network name]

 The 1st gate should be style: [gate style]

 The 1st gate should be named: [Gate Name]

 The 1st gate should be placed at coords [ x, y, z ] facing: [direction]

 This gate will link to another gate.

 The 2nd gate is a main mall gate: [yes/no]

 *If this gate will link to the main mall, clearly state that here. If not, please continue to the info for the 2nd gate location.

 The 2nd gate should be style: [gate style]

 The 2nd gate should be named: [Gate Name]

 The 2nd gate should be placed at coords [ x, y, z ] facing: [direction]

 I understand I will be billed 1 million Famcoins for the 2 linked gates and network.

Request: Stargate added to pre-existing network

 I would like a new Stargate added to my existing Stargate network system.

 My existing network name is: [network name]

 The new gate should be style: [gate style]

 The new gate should be named: [Gate Name]

 The new gate should be placed at coords [ x, y, z ] facing: [direction]

 I understand I will be billed 300k per new gate added to my existing network.

Request: Stargate linked to /warp SG

 I would like a Stargate that connects to the Stargate room at /warp sg

 I would like to add my location to this gate at /warp sg [gate name]

 *Available gates: (All subject to admin approval)
   Attractions - Must be a complete, interesting, well protected, enclosed server attraction.
   Non-Clan Cities - Must be a protected city without an accessible shopping mall/center/area 
   Clan Gate - Must be a protected clan area without an accessible shopping mall/center/area
   Free Farms - must be free to use, and provide a resource to players. No shops.
   Competitions - Must be a protected comp. area with rules, and a forum post explaining the contest.

 The linking gate should be style: [gate style]

 The linking gate should be named: [Gate Name]

 The linking gate should be placed at coords [ x, y, z ] facing: [direction]

 I understand I will be billed 300k for this stargate.

Request: Stargate relocation

 I would like to request a Stargate relocation

 Please remove the stargate at [ x, y, z ]

 and place it at the new location: [x, y, z ]

 The gate name at the new location should be: [ gate name ]

 It should be on the network: [ network name ]

 Additional info details: [additional info. Example- you want the physical gate to remain in the same place, but would like to change the gate name/ network ]

 I understand I will be billed 100k per Stargate relocation (including network relocations).

Request: Structure cut/paste

 I would like the structure located at [ x, y, z ]
 Which is a [short description here to make sure it is clear what you mean]
 Cut from it's location, and then pasted to a new location.
 Please paste the structure to the new location at:  [ x, y, z ]  facing [direction]

 Additional special instructions [ additional info/ instructions ]

 I have read and understand the following information:

  When requesting a WE relocation of a structure containing chests, please prepare by removing ALL written books, player skulls, and enchanted books and items, including donor items from your chests. You also need to remove ALL items in TRAPPED chest. Please collect ALL displayed item frames 9as well. These items WILL NOT move properly in a WE.

 I understand I will be billed the appropriate amount for this service. Cut/paste is free for donors, 5 per block for non-donors.

Request: Spawner Placement

 I would like to request a/some spawner(s)

 Please place [ number ] of [spawner type] at location [ x, y, z ]

 I have clearly marked the place(s) for the spawner(s) with [block type]

 I understand some spawners require special conditions. cows, pigs, horses, ocelots, wolf, chicken, mooshroom and sheep  must spawn on, or one block over grass. Slime and Squid spawners must be at sea level (y 63) or lower to work. Some spawners require lower light levels to work- examples: slime, bat, silverfish.

 I understand I will be billed 500k per spawner, except bat spawners which are 250k.

 I understand if I choose to move these spawners in the future, it will cost 100k per spawner to move them.

 I understand the type of spawner can not be changed one purchased and placed.

Request: Spawner Relocation

 I would like to request the relocation of a/some spawner(s)

 Please remove the [number] [ mob type ] spawners located at [x, y, z ]

 and then place them in the new locations(s) which I have clearly marked with [block type]

 at the new coords [ x, y, z ]

 I understand I will be billed 100k per spawner move.

Request: Dirt Platform

 I would like to request a dirt platform. 

 I have selected two corners indicating the land area I need the platform. I have marked these corners with: [block type]

 The first corner is at coords: [ x , y, z ]

 The 2nd corner is at coords: [ x , y, z ]

 I would like the platform  placed at level: [ y coord]

 I understand I will be billed for this service, as applicable. Platforms are 5 coins per block and are ONLY available in dirt.

Request: In game Nick name

 I am a donor, and I would like to purchase an in game nick name for 100k Famcoins.

 I would like my new nickname to be [ name ]

 I understand I will be billed 100k Famcoins for the nick name. I understand all nick names are subject to admin approval. Nicknames must comply with all Famcraft rules, and can not be used to intentionally misrepresent your identity (Example: celebrity name, staff member names or similar are not allowed)


 Here is some pricing information:

Rules for Everyone - Donors included

1.) Cut and paste ONLY. We will not be able to copy and paste, even if supplies and materials are provided.

2. ) "Land Clearing" is only to y:64  (y 33 in the nether- laval level) - which is sea level. Anything below y:64 falls under the different rule/pricing structure for naturally occurring land formations.

3.) We do not offer custom shapes for land clearing or cut and paste. We are only able to do square or rectangular shapes.

4.) Cut / Paste of any naturally occurring land formation, including villages, hills, temples and anything else that spawns naturally in the game are all subject to approval on a case by case basis. To relocate a naturally occurring structure will cost 10 famcoins per block.

5.) We do not drain water or lava.

6.) We do not relocate chests unless they are contained in a storage structure, and you wish to have the entire structure relocated.

Pricing- Donors

*Cut/Paste of player made structure- Free
*Clearing of land down to y:64- sea level - Free
*Clearing of land below y:64- 10 famcoins per block
*Cut/Paste of naturally occurring structure-  10 famcoins Per block
*dirt platforms 5 coins per block (only dirt is available)

Pricing- Non donors

*Cut/Paste of player made structure- 5 Famcoins per block
*Clearing of land down to y:64- sea level - 5 Famcoins per block
*Clearing of land below y:64 10 famcoins per block
*Cut/Paste of naturally occurring structure-  10 famcoins Per block
*dirt platforms 5 coins per block (only dirt is available)

Other pricing changes:

*Move a PURCHASED (purchased from an admin) spawner - 100k

*Move a Star Gate- 100k per gate

*Buy/Change a nick name- 100k

Prices for other basic things:

2 linked stargates on a network - Like a mall gate - 1 million (1000000 coins)

1 gate added to an existing network - 300k

1 gate added to clan, or non clan cities, attractions, or free farms gate at spawn 300k

1 spawner 500k for any kind, except bat spawners are 250k

Nick names are currently only available for donors, and cost 100k per nick name change.

Offline RubensCherub

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Request with no coords are deleted
« Reply #1 on February 12, 2015, 02:02:58 PM (Edited February 12, 2015, 04:56:48 PM) »
 In all fairness, you all should know requests with no coordinates are deleted. We can not  honor requests like "clear me a 100x100 space somewhere" or "place me a 50x50 dirt platform in a mesa" type requests. Our Admin team can only read minds on some things, numbers like coords tend to be a bit fuzzy for us. Coordinates are easy to get.

 There is more than one way to explain the coordinates if you do not want to find two, diagonally opposite corners. For example, if you need land cleared or a platform placed, just stand roughly in the center of the area, and provide the coordinate for the center. Then say - "Please clear 100x100 down to sea level. This should be the center coordinate: x:####### y:### z:####### ." We can work with that.
 We also delete all requests telling us to "hurry up and get online". If we are able to be online - we are. We watch from irc and console even when we are not in game. If we are not replying to you we are either not here, or are busy with other things/ irl tings that prevent us from being able to assist you immediately. No amount of request telling us to hurry up and get in game will have any effect on when we are actually able to get in game.