
Author Topic: My 6yr old is banned  (Read 5245 times)

Offline CLFortun

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My 6yr old is banned
« Opened on September 26, 2014, 06:20:46 PM »
To whom it may concern,

My son, Dominick Fortun, has been banned for unwanted PvP. His gamer name is Fighter_Dominick and I spoke with "Puggy" earlier about the ban. Dominick says he apologizes for breaking the rules and that he will apologize to "Sweet", which he says is the person he killed. He will also return any items he took to that person, or to one of the admins/moderators, if that person is not online. Thank you for your time.

Cainan Fortun

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My 6yr old is banned
« Reply #1 on September 26, 2014, 07:40:51 PM »

 Thank you for taking the time to help your son plea. While we do allow all ages to play on Famcraft, we expect every member, regardless of age, to follow every rule.

 Dominick has been in trouble repeatedly. He doesn't seem to listen to staff, or accept any help or guidance he is offered regarding his behavior here. This is not fair to the other players who do behave.

 Not only did Dominick violate the no unwanted pvp rule again, but when I took him and the victim into a channel to discuss the situation, he seemed to feel quite clever when he announced "And guess what?" then logged out of the server to avoid the conversation. It is my belief that he felt by running away he would avoid any disciplinary action here, and be able to return later, and continue as he was.

 Had Dominick stayed and finished the conversation, apologized to the other player and returned the items, no ban would have been needed.

 Dominick has a lengthy punishments thread with us already. Here are some of the things he has been in trouble for, as well as a copy of our final conversation.


Interrupting 2 other players game of spleef, even after the owner of Famcraft reported him to spawn three times in an effort to get him to stop.

Killed a snow golem that belonged to another player

unwanted pvp

There have been several other things he has been warned for, including not listening to staff.

 And here is out final conversation:

09[19:04] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) Fighter_Dominick, did you kill someone again, without their permission?
09[19:05] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) sweet9090, did he return your items?
[19:05] <+FamCraftIRC> (09sweet9090) idk because i did /back and it seems like i got everything
09[19:05] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) Fighter_Dominick, do you have anything to say about this?
[19:05] <+FamCraftIRC> (09Fighter_Dominick) no
09[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) Fighter_Dominick, I see that you did kill her
[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (09sweet9090) :/
09[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) Are you telling me you did not?
[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (09Fighter_Dominick) i did
[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (09Fighter_Dominick) and guess what
09[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> (0501Admin05: RubensCherub) What?
[19:06] <+FamCraftIRC> [09Fighter_Dominick disconnected]

 This type of behavior is not allowed on Famcraft. I will pardon him this time, once I see a reply from you here letting me know you are aware of the circumstances. If something like this happens again, the ban will be permanent. Thank you for understanding.

Offline CLFortun

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Re: My 6yr old is banned
« Reply #2 on September 26, 2014, 08:49:40 PM »
   Thank you for responding Rubens. I do remember the Spleef incident, even though I have no idea how it is played or what happened. I'm not a big PvP person. I did not however, know about the snow golem. I did explain to him that had he stayed and dealt with the situation involving "sweet", that he probably would not have been banned. I have explained to him before I made the plea for him that I would not plea for him again if he can't follow the rules and gets banned again.
   I'm sure you are correct in your assumption that he assumed he could leave and come back with out any consequences. He knows the rules and chose to break them and needs to learn the consequences. I really hope he learned his lesson this time.

Thanks again for your time,
Cainan Fortun

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My 6yr old is banned
« Reply #3 on September 26, 2014, 11:11:03 PM »
 Thank you very much. Dominick has been unbanned. Please let him know that most often, when he is taken to a channel it will be in an effort to work out any problems without having to resort to a ban. If he will not log out, and try to pay attention and work with the staff, most minor issues can be worked out without incident. Thank you again. We'll look forward to seeing Dominick back on the server.