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Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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hate to say it, but I stole the mickey from the cookie jar (and im holding him ransom)JK
XD  who stole {}_{\ 92}^{238}\mathrm{U} + \mathrm{n} \rightarrow {}_{\ 92}^{239} \mathrm{U} + \gamma \xrightarrow{\beta^-} {}_{\ 93}^{239}\mathrm{Np} \xrightarrow{\beta^-} {}_{\ 94}^{239}\mathrm{Pu} from the cookie jar?

ps if you can figure out what that is ill be amazed XD

I stole the  {}_{\ 92}^{238}\mathrm{U} + \mathrm{n} \rightarrow {}_{\ 92}^{239} \mathrm{U} + \gamma \xrightarrow{\beta^-} {}_{\ 93}^{239}\mathrm{Np} \xrightarrow{\beta^-} {}_{\ 94}^{239}\mathrm{Pu} from the cookie jar


 who stole my diamonds from the cookie jar?

I stole all serik's diamonds from the cookie jar and made em into axes  :o

Who let serik out of the cookie jar? I put him in there so he couldn't chase meh and get the diamonds back  ???

I used my diamond sword and got myself out

Who took the axes Trent made from the cookie jar? i demand dem back


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