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Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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the free the creepers association stole the nuclear super-charged creeper from the cookie jar

who stole the pumpkin pie cheesecake from the cookie jar?
well serik posted as I was about to post that so here we go:

I stole the ice cream from the cookie jar

who stole my pasta from the cookie jar?

:P iron.

I stole your pasta from the cookie jar *nom nom*

who stole my iron golem from the cookie jar?

the free the Iron golems association stole the iron golem from the cookie jar (I finally got to use that one   :D)

who stole the sports car from the cookie jar?

Well eGI didn't steal the sports car from the cookie jar cause the sports car never was able to fit in the cookie jar in the first place.  XD

Who stole King Rundrop's Crown that he spent 15 years designing and 437 Dwarven Blacksmiths 14 days to craft from the cookie jar?

I stole the crown, so now I am the King of Famcraft!

Who stole the bicycle from the cookie jar?


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