Clan Chat > Forum Games

Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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I stole the bicycle from the cookie jar to give to eGI so that he could be newspaper guy for Famcraft.

Who stole the Bag of Holding from the cookie jar?

a random person stole the bag of holding from the cookie jar (whatever that is  :P)

who stole the Sky Diamonds from the cookie jar?

The bag of holding stole the sky diamond from the cookie jar

A bag of holding is a bag that is bigger on the inside which has a certain amount of space with which to hold things. It is typically used in role playing games usually based off of Dungeons and Dragons. The game master is the one who makes up the story for the players as they explore the world the are in.

Who stole the Game Master from the cookie jar?

um, i guess that was me... sorry... i didnt know it was yours... *runs off with the game master smiling XD
  who stole the Uranium 238 from the now radioactive cookie jar?

I did!! I needed power for the understand rowan's last post machine I'm building  :P

who stole the soup from the cookie jar?


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