
Author Topic: New Players And Their Space  (Read 6326 times)

Offline zOracle

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New Players And Their Space
« Opened on November 05, 2014, 11:00:15 AM »
Hai Guys,

This is one of the posts that we all hate when we have to do them but this really has begun to get out of hand, A new player joining is an amazing and exciting things, We all love welcoming them to the server and trying to help them find there way on the server, This is because you are all an amazing bunch of people that have very big hearts, However this does cause a communication problem between Staff and the new player, the new player may become so excited to get started that they may not read the Rules, Or they may feel like they are going to get attacked because all they can see is a bunch of Players Sprinting at them so they may leave, And that really does break all our hearts

When a New player joins give them a Big welcome in chat, but please please please don't jump to spawn and start throwing loads of items at them, Do not send clan Invites, Do not Teleport them to you, Please Give them some time and some space to read the rules and have a Tour if they want one, once a Staff member has taken them to the wild, then they can begin to decide what the want to do.

As a Side note when inviting new players to your clan please remember to Ask them if they want to join before sending the invite, Other wise the player may join without knowing what being in a clan means, this may cause them to become Sad  :( and we don't want that! 

"Please give the new player a little space so he/she can read the rules and learn about Famcraft. Please hold all gifts, /tpa requests and clan invites until AFTER the new player has had the opportunity for a tour. Thank you <3"

Stay Awesome Everyone

- SrMod zO

[15:46] <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Epic) so many mobs ;-;

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: New Players And Their Space
« Reply #1 on November 05, 2014, 11:43:57 AM »
 Beautifully worded. This is so very true.
  Famcraft was my first (and only) public server. I was greeted nicely, but players kept their distance. I am not an incredibly social person, and was nervous when I joined. If I had immediately been surrounded by players talking to me and giving me items, even knowing they had the best of intentions, I would have left and not returned. I would have been overwhelmed and looked for a calmer server. 

 Many players who come to Famcraft are joining a server for the first time. Other's are coming from other servers where they may have had bad experiences.
 When someone is brand new, they may not realize how sincere the community is here, and it may make them feel shy, or even defensive to have a lot of people they do not yet know sending /tpa requests and clan invites. By the time players have had the chance to read the rules and take a tour they are usually ready for more interaction.

 Another thing to consider is this. When a Famcrafter tries to tp a brand new player to their area and invite them to join their clan, that Famcrafter can't really know what they are getting into. If the new player has not read the rules yet, they have no idea what is expected of them here. A little time and space can benefit everyone.

 Thanks for taking the time to read zOracle's post about this very important issue.