
Author Topic: Server Lag  (Read 4198 times)

Offline PegLegPegasus

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Server Lag
« Opened on October 11, 2014, 05:53:20 PM »
I dont know why, but i keep timing out or am being closed by a remote host. any ideas as to what might be causing it?
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Offline Kealper

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Re: Server Lag
« Reply #1 on October 13, 2014, 10:03:29 AM »
Many things can cause lag and time-outs from a home connection, such as a really poor wireless signal or someone in the house uploading videos to YouTube and other sites like it. Downloading lots of stuff can also cause lag and time-outs in certain cases as well.

If you're still having connection issues, check to see if you're using wifi. If you're using wireless, try using wired internet as a test and see if that fixes it. If you can't try that, going into the same room as your router or trying on a computer that is wired could work as a way to test if it's the wireless connection as well. If it still has problems on every computer you tried or on both wired and wireless connections, it would be a good idea to see if you or someone else is downloading or uploading a lot of stuff.

If it was a problem with the server, or its connection, everyone would be experiencing the same issue and we'd have an official notice about any issues that were happening.