
Author Topic: Logs  (Read 3362 times)

Offline mathfreak2

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« Opened on November 15, 2014, 02:14:53 AM »
Hello, y'all! :D

As some or most of you know, my shop is now in the green section! You can get to it by doing /warp mall, going forward into the portal surrounded by green wool and carpet. Then, you'll go into the shop second on your right. It is directly adjacent to micahdg's shop. If you go into my shop there and click on the lift signs, you'll encounter my new log shop! :o In my new log shop, I buy every kind of log for $6,000 per 64 logs. Please sell all the logs you can to me! Thank you!

<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline Domsters931

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Re: Logs
« Reply #1 on November 15, 2014, 05:02:06 AM »
What about the iron you said you would buy in mass amounts?

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: Logs
« Reply #2 on November 15, 2014, 05:07:13 AM »
I still buy iron in my shops, but it is still an indeterminate amount of time before I start buying it by the double chests again. I currently have 26 double chests of iron blocks. That number is still increasing despite my not buying by the double chest anymore, so it will likely not be any time soon. I am buying both iron (7k per stack of iron blocks) and logs (6k per stack) in my shop now.
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD