
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 6190 times)

Offline Lord_Puggy

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on November 30, 2014, 10:56:14 AM »
Dear admin

I have taken these last few days to, think of my ban it was a very bad thing to do and very un-responsible of me to do this. I understand why I was banned, for exploiting your trust and abuseing  my staff power's, This was very wrong of me,  I would like to ask for a unaban.  I would very much understand if you decide to keep me ban, for committing this horrible deed, I would just like a second chance,

<Mickey> me being so smart, I thought I was jailed
<Mickey> so I typed /unjail Supermickey24
<Mickey> And now I'm stuck in jail...
<Mickey> jailed.
<Mickey> forever...
<Mickey> Halp
<Mickey> XD

Offline Thoatt

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on December 01, 2014, 01:52:59 AM »
Dear admin

I have taken these last few days to, think of my ban it was a very bad thing to do and very un-responsible of me to do this. I understand why I was banned, for exploiting your trust and abuseing  my staff power's, This was very wrong of me,  I would like to ask for a unaban.  I would very much understand if you decide to keep me ban, for committing this horrible deed, I would just like a second chance,


Hello Lord_Puggy. Thank you for taking the time to post this today. There's a few things we'd like to clear up before we consider this plea.

A worthwhile ban plea should include the following:

-An apology stating what you did wrong and how you will fix it

I see in your plea an admission of guilt for generally doing something wrong, but not exactly what you did, how you would work towards resolving the cause of the ban, or even an apology. I would expect better from a banned staff member, as staff are held to the same, and even higher standards for following the rules and procedures than players.

You've been on Famcraft long enough to know what a good plea looks like, and what a generic plea looks like. Being staff at the time of your ban, you should know what to expect in a plea. For this matter, a simple "I know what I did was wrong, can I come back" simply will not be accepted, and serves as an example of how little thought was put into this plea.

Admission of exactly what you did, how you would resolve it, and most importantly, an apology to the players involved would be the only type of plea we would even consider in this case.

-The Admin Team

Offline Lord_Puggy

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #2 on December 01, 2014, 10:03:48 AM »
Dear Admin,

I have taken these last few days to think of my action and the reason I was ban, I now understand the betrayel and the exploit of trust, I was banned for exploiting the trust of the admin team, as I was given permission to build with one of the owners of Famcraft "bknysnake" to build a little server project with him in a creative area set up by the admins, after this project was complete, i committed this horrible. Crime by stealing items from my creative inventory and putting it into my survival one for my own personal gain, this was so very bad of me, I should of never, cheated. On the fantastic server becausel I now realise the cheat and betrayel to my fellow famcrafters and the staff team I once called freinds ,I have made over time on this amazing community, I would love a lift of my ban I would understand compleatly if my ban is not lifted,  I am so very sorry for me doing this, I feel awful everyday without being part of this community, and what I done was not acceptable at any time, I am so sorry for doing this cheaty deed, and dissapointing your trust in me as a trusted member of Famcraft.
Thank you

<Mickey> me being so smart, I thought I was jailed
<Mickey> so I typed /unjail Supermickey24
<Mickey> And now I'm stuck in jail...
<Mickey> jailed.
<Mickey> forever...
<Mickey> Halp
<Mickey> XD

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #3 on December 04, 2014, 12:02:20 AM »
Puggy, Thank you for taking the time to post a plea.

 We appreciate your apology. It means a great deal to the community coming from you, a beloved pug, JrMod, and friend to all. It matters to the staff team and the players who trusted you to know that you regret the actions that have led up to this very sad situation.

 It was very disheartening to see that you committed these acts at all. It was even worse to see the countless gold and diamond blocks and diamond ore along with other valuable items that you chose to take from this region. You even took it the extra step, enchanting items in creative to maximize your personal gain. Then you sold these items to players and chest shops for your own personal monetary benefit.

 We are aware that you started this exploitation only hours after Bknysnake gave you access to the creative region. You continued to do this right up until the day it was discovered- approximately four months, with each trip back into the creative region to load up on blocks being a choice you made of your own free will. This means you did not just let us down once, you did it over and over again.

 The players paid you with money they earned fairly. I am sure they never even questioned if the blocks they were buying from you were obtained legitimately. You were someone they looked up to.

 Some of the stolen supplies were used to pad your clan storage and add funds to your clan bank. I think the hardworking, devoted members of the Royal clan deserved better than that.

 We were aware of the possibility of this exploit from the beginning. We did not spend all of our time looking over your shoulder because we trusted you to be responsible.
 We noticed in your first plea you asked for a second chance. Puggy, we won't post the details here in this public forum, but if you think back, you'll realize you've already had a couple of second chances here, prior to earning our trust and becoming staff. We were so proud of you for coming so far. We can only hope this situation will help you remember, honesty is always the best policy. 

 After a very thoroughly considering every aspect of this situation, we have come to the unfortunate conclusion that we simply can not allow you to return to the server. Due to the intentional ongoing violation of trust, we will not be able to lift your ban. This decision was unanimous among the owners and the admin team.

 You did very well as staff right up until you decided to give in to the temptation to seek personal gain from the server project you were trusted to help with. We enjoyed having you as a part of the community and as a part of the staff team. You will be missed. <3