
Author Topic: Unban my kid please :D  (Read 5112 times)

Offline jackson

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Unban my kid please :D
« Opened on December 23, 2014, 07:29:51 PM »
My kid was playing tonight, she is only 7 and still learning and all, I did have a server open for her so that we as a family could play, she wanted to plat with others so this was her first go around, on the server i rented a lot of times when you die, when you go back to the body the items are gone, i dont know if this is a glitch or suppose to happen. At any rate the story I got from my child is she was pvping (i guess they both agreed to it or something) and the other person died, so she picked up the other persons stuff so that it would not disappear and then she was trying to remember what items was of the other players, she is really not a theif or anything she was just trying to help out the other player. She has had a blast on this server its pretty much all she talks about now. lol. It was an honest mistake so if you could please unban cecelialux. Thank you


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban my kid please :D
« Reply #1 on December 23, 2014, 08:02:40 PM »
Hello Dad,
 Thank you for taking the time to plea on your child's behalf.

 Your daughter was banned for several reasons, not just the incident tonight. She has been using all caps a great deal when she types, which is against the rules. 
 When we try to help her, she's is not always very receptive to it. She has been muted a couple of times, and even kicked for refusing to turn off the caps. She seems to communicate well enough with the other players but she does not seem to listen to staff when we try to correct or help her.

 This was after we had already asked her to turn off the caps many, many times-

01[01:15] <@RubensCherub> Cecelialux - Turn OFF YOUR CAPS please
01[01:15] <@RubensCherub> Press your caps locks key to turn it off
[01:16] <+FamCraftIRC> (09cecelialux) I AM NOT TALKINS TO YOU

 Even well after this, she has been muted and kicked in an effort to get her to stop.

 Tonight, she was pvping with another player. When the other player wanted her items back, your daughter not only refused to return the items, but demanded that the other player kill her if she wanted to retrieve her items. This is not how we do things here at Famcraft.

 This is after a lengthy conversation in chat, as well as time with a Moderator and the other players involved in a room made to help sort out such issues.

[19:09] <+FamCraftIRC> (07SrMod07: ~Miss_Ghouls01❆) Cecelia, place socks and tmg's items in a chest
[19:09] <+FamCraftIRC> (09cecelialux) just killme to get your stuff back ok
[19:09] <+FamCraftIRC> (07SrMod07: ~Miss_Ghouls01❆) Cecelia
[19:09] <+FamCraftIRC> (07SrMod07: ~Miss_Ghouls01❆) No
[19:10] <+FamCraftIRC> (07SrMod07: ~Miss_Ghouls01❆) Place the items in a chest for them to collect

 She was warned she would be banned, and continued to hold onto the items. I ended up removing them from her inventory myself so they could be returned to the other players.

 I do understand she is young, however, in order to play on this server everyone regardless of their age must follow the rules.

 If you would like to read the rules with her, and help make sure she understands them, and also, please teach her where the caps lock key is, we could give her another chance to play here. You can find the rules here: https://famcraft.com/index.php/topic,2.0.html

  Sadly, if her current behavior continues, we will not be able to allow her to stay as it degrades the experience of the other players on the server.

 We have quite a few parents here, myself included. If she returns, you are welcome to play here with her and help her get the hang of things, if you like.
 Thank you again, for taking the time to plea. I hope the information provided will help us be able to sort this situation out to everyone's satisfaction.

Offline jackson

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Re: Unban my kid please :D
« Reply #2 on December 23, 2014, 08:17:59 PM »
Thank you for your response. Of course the kid gave the im so innocent version of this, I apologize for childs behavior against the mods, server rules, and other players. She will be delt with on our end as well for this unruly behavior. Thank you again.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban my kid please :D
« Reply #3 on December 23, 2014, 08:28:50 PM »
 No problem, and as  I said, I am a parent too. I completely understand. I'd be willing to bet if you go over the rules with her, she'll do fine here. Just reply once you have had time to do that, and we will get you both back on the server so she can give it another shot.

Offline jackson

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Re: Unban my kid please :D
« Reply #4 on December 23, 2014, 09:27:36 PM »
We went over the rules with her again, but as of right now she is grounded, she will be ungrounded after christmas, and her mother will join her to make sure she is acting accordingly, but if she does do anything again feel free to virtually smack her upside the head (ban) Thank you for what you guys do and for your support.
