
Author Topic: Banned Plea for the farm thrasher  (Read 5152 times)

Offline Maddawg07

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Banned Plea for the farm thrasher
« Opened on January 02, 2015, 01:04:26 AM »
So I noticed you guys are pretty quick to get back to folks so I'm assuming my son is being looked at with a wondering eye due to the different log in name maybe.  It was a crazy xmas with lots of new log in's, I signed up a new laptop, Netflix, router, the list goes on, you can delete the user Maddox07 that was my goof.  Also I was by his side in the farm.  We read the rules, and really did try to respect them but do know we'll be more careful to watch things grow with some bone marrow or whatever he said works before leaving from now on.


Daddy newb  ;)

"So I guess I didn't replant tree in farm Im sorry.  Something doesn't seem right cuz I did as far as I know.  I'll try harder next time to be sure to grow before I go.  Still learning.

Maddox aka Maddawg07"


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Plea for the farm thrasher
« Reply #1 on January 02, 2015, 12:10:54 PM »
Hello Dad,

 Maddawg07 has been pardoned. He was banned due to not replanting at a free public farm. Normally, this is a 2-3 day tempban. In this case, it was noticed while Maddawg07 was online. A staff member asked him to replant, and he would not reply. He was taken to a private channel so the staff member's words would be the only text on his screen, and he was again asked to replant. His ban was made perm with plea due to his lack of communication with the staff member. Had he responded to the staff member and replanted he would not have been banned at all.
 We make every effort to respond to ban pleas in a timely fashion, but it can take 1-3 days for a reply if the server is very busy as pleas often tend to take a lower priority than the active players on the server who are needing assistance. Thank you for understanding. 

Offline Maddawg07

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Re: Banned Plea for the farm thrasher
« Reply #2 on January 02, 2015, 12:17:48 PM »
We spoke, he will also try to pay more attention to the text box as well now.

