So, I bet you guys haven't seen many Beast clan members have you? Well that's because we don't have too many members (3 or 4 in fact) because, tbh, the clan home isn't great, that would be because i am the only clan member who is regularly on

so I'm spending my own money on the clan. Thats why I want
YOU to build your awesome... THINGS!
Categories: Cost to Enter:
Houses 20k
Castles 50k
Villages 100k
Statues (small) 20k
Statues (large) 30k
Pixel Art (large) 30k
3D Art (small) 20k
3D Art (large) 30k
Make your entries wherever you like

(before the deadline) and Ill mcedit them to the judging area
Entries must be made by Sunday the 3rd of May when you will have to mail me the coords of the... THING so i can mcedit it by the judging date. The day of judging will be the Saturday following the Sunday following the entry deadline (16th of May). I will mail you where you came.
All... THINGS must have a sign saying who the... THING is by. Pay me whenever you like (before the deadline) and refunds will be made if... THINGS aren't complete by the day.
1st Prize: A house built by me

and 30k
2nd Prize: 20k
3rd Prize: 10k
P.S. comment on the forum for more details