
Author Topic: The funniest momment I have had on Famcraft....  (Read 5607 times)

Offline FrodoRose

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The funniest momment I have had on Famcraft....
« Opened on May 10, 2015, 06:40:55 PM »
     This was a while back, but it is still very funny to me. My funniest moment I have had on Famcraft was with my friend Socks. (It was actually still socks1stormy1 at the time) So we where having fun figuring out how to brew potions. I was on Facetime with her when I was making a speed potion. We had been VERY careful not to kill each other when making harming potions and poison. Socks and I had been focusing so hard we where not talking at the time. But then she makes a loud gasp, I look in chat and I see
         socks1stormy1 has been killed by socks1stormy1 using magic

We must had been laughing for 5 mins at least! Because then I explained how healing potions hurt zombies and skellatons. I told her how I think Zombies are nice, then RIGHT AFTER I said that chat says
          socks1stormy1 has been slain by Zombie

"NICE?!" She yells into my IPod. "Yeah Frodo that's REAL nice!" We cracked up some more. Socks kept going on her dieing chain, each new die came a new wave of laughter.
"Socks are you TRYING to make up new ways to die or are you just having a hard day?!" I asked, still laughing.
"A little bit of both!" She replied, right after she was slain from a creeper.

      That was such a fun time, Reply underneath this post about the funniest time you ever had on Famcraft! =D
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
Sugar can die, I have a mouth

Offline scratnum

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Very early on in the server I convinced xMrBretRosinx to place a bed in the nether; got a great laugh out of it.

Offline Rally

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lol, good times.

Offline FrodoRose

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I did that to my friend one time as well, it was really funny until she exited minecraft and completely attacked me. but then we made a fun game out of it XD
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
Sugar can die, I have a mouth