
Author Topic: Staff question  (Read 4561 times)

Offline FrodoRose

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Staff question
« Opened on June 14, 2015, 07:11:10 PM »
My friend, socks, is not going to play minecraft for a LONG time. (at least a year) But she did tell me that she might possibly play minecraft in general again, but not Famcraft. Basically she is leaving Famcraft, she has token the responsibly of 2 new household pets that are her job and her job only, for that is one of the reasons games are being put aside.

Socks and I share a house together, the first structure we ever built on Famcraft. Sense she will not be returning to Famcraft her space will not be used by anyone but myself, by the account FrodoRose. But she has a total of 4 chests I believe on her side of the house, two on the top floor, 2  on bottom. But they are locked under the use of kawwiiGurl2003, therefor cannot be removed by me.

I wish to use the space she has locked chests in and sorts for thinks like a dinning room and a living room, but as said I cannot. Is there a way I could ask to have those chests removed?

Thank you for your time, see you on the server! :) 
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Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
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