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A sent to follow! =D

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cat? Did you buy a cat? why do I smell cat... ok this is getting weird im going to go on  a walk to the...

How does a cat smell fresh?! XD lol


--- Quote from: ~Spots on August 05, 2015, 09:01:53 AM ---How does a cat smell fresh?! XD lol

--- End quote ---
*bathes cat in celery scented cat shampoo*

carnival. On my way there I smell that garlic bread again! Hmm.. "Maybe it's coming from this store here," I thought, walking into a large bread/pastry store. "Wow, this place smells amazing! Forget the carnival, I might as well spend the day here.. On second thought, I might get too hungry!" I said to myself excitedly, as I walked out the door. As I walked into the carnival, I walked  for a bit until I smelled that mysterious scent again. But it smells differently, with a tang of (... continue!)

bat. "Where did the bats come from? I didn't think that this town had bats!" I thought. When I went to the rollercoaster I smelled a nice fresh...  :P
(continue! XD)

"Oh wait," I interrupted my thought "that's just a person with fruit cake scented perfume." The perfume got so strong and displeasing the more you got closer to the lady, my sinuses stung and I wound up just wanting to go back home to Arctic. And so I did, but not after buying rare (edible) mangos from a special place called Farmtown. When I got home, Cocoasmores, Arctic, Socks, and Wolfylove were sitting on the couch worrying about me. Socks got up to get some Cheez-Itz and in the process saw someone by the door. She started to scream then realized it was just me. The rest of the group stood up and came running at me with hugs. "Why were you worrying about me?" I asked. "You were gone for four days," Cocoasmores explained. "we tried messaging you but it said your phone was offline!" said Arctic, as she was hugging me. "By the way, what's that smell?" Wolfy asked, sniffing my arm and backpack.

  I took off my backpack and set it on one of the stools next to me and pulled the bag of mangos out of the pack. "Now," I said. "remember to take small bites, so you don't get the full effect of the weird-tastiness." as passed the mangos to Arctic, Cocoa, Socks and Wolfy. They took note of what I said but did the opposite anyway. Arctic was the first to go to the sink, and the rest followed shortly after, except myself, who was laughing too hard to tell them "told you so!". But something stopped me from laughing. This horrible smell of an elementary school's food dumpster mixed with muddy water and glue.. "Do you guys smell this as well?" I asked as they came back to sit with me. "No, I don't, how about you, Wolfy?" asked Cocoa. "I think I know what she smells!" interrupted Arctic, as she looked out of the window. "come here, but look from the bottom of the window," she told us.

  And there he was, Plenary himself, sitting in our front yard. He seems to be crying. I feel bad for him but I can't help but think this is part of an evil plan he has. I was about to tell everyone to get to the back of the house, but it was too late. He was looking straight at us, he had something shiny in his hand. A sword? No.. He can't have access to swords, the admins took his privileges away to have anything dangerous. But there he was, he had an iron sword, and he was walking calmly and slowly.. no, not walking, hovering! "Is he a ghost?" I asked myself silently.

  "No, my dear, not a ghost," someone said in my head. "I am just as real as you and your friends..." his voice sounded so familiar, but then I realized the voice was Plenary. Somehow he had gained access to Vizio's potion testing laboratory and stole her work-in-progress telepathy potion. "Run!" I screamed. "Do not think or say about anything that could give away our position when we're there!" but once again, it was too late. I knew it because I smelled...


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