
Author Topic: When will the server be updated?  (Read 10805 times)

Offline Miner_Niner24

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When will the server be updated?
« Opened on July 30, 2015, 06:07:12 PM »
With the release of the new Minecraft 1.9 snapshot, I was wondering if the server will be updated with 1.9. I know it all depends on the plugins being updated but that can't be to hard right?

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #1 on July 30, 2015, 07:43:11 PM »
At the moment our server is on 1.7.10 :) The admins have been working INCREDIBLY hard on getting us updated to 1.8, but due to the plugins that we use (things like world-edit, precious stones, our [lift] signs and stargates, etc), we have had to wait until each of them updates and is stable & working before we update.

At the moment, we're VERY close to updating (or at least that's what I hear! :D) but we do not have an exact day just yet, as the admins all have very busy lives IRL (jobs, families, etc!).

We will probably not be updating to 1.9 any time soon, especially since it just came out a day or two ago :P We would need all of the plugins to update first before we could even think about it.

Little steps first :P

Offline ~PaintBrush

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #2 on July 30, 2015, 07:57:24 PM »
It will when it does 8) (I make so much sense)
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Offline RubensCherub

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #3 on July 30, 2015, 11:55:00 PM (Edited July 31, 2015, 12:00:40 AM) »
 At the current time, there are no immediate plans to update the server.

 All previous plans have been put on hold due to a lack of available time in the lives of the admin team. This is not to say it it will never happen, but it will not be happening any time soon. We appreciate everyone's support.

 I am very sorry I could not make this happen for yall. I hope you will all continue to visit with us on 1.7.10.

 I realize this will make many people unhappy, including myself. Please feel free to post comments or questions in this thread and I will address them as I am able.

Offline ParagliderPanda

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #4 on July 31, 2015, 09:59:30 AM »
I have a question. Why are you so sorry? The server will always be the fun famcraft server. 1.8 wouldn't change anything. 1.8 has banners, water temples, and those giant swimming pufferfish-like nightmare creature. Famcraft, however, has lovely, wonderful people who love to play on famcraft. People don't play famcraft for the items. People play famcraft for the close connections with other players. That us why I am telling you to take your time. If you don't have much time to do anything, relax. Don't stress over the whole update frenzy. Don't ever feel sorry for something you don't have time to do. We will always love and respect the admin team. Whether or not the server is updated will never change that.

EDIT: I haven't seen the admins much lately. How are you guys doing?

Sometimes you have to look Beyond The Panda.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #5 on July 31, 2015, 12:41:09 PM (Edited July 31, 2015, 12:42:59 PM) »
 You have no idea how much your sweet words mean to me. Thank you so very much, Panda.

 I am so sorry because I truly love the Famcraft community with all my heart. You are not just a group of random strangers, you are like family to me. I do understand everyone is here for the community, and that means so much to me.

 You have all stuck with us through thick and thin. You've been here through all kinds of changes and adjustments. You've shown support to one another and to the staff team. You've been an amazing and inspiring group of people and it's been an absolute honor to get to know you all.
  I really want to be able to offer you all the current version of the game because I know how much everyone would enjoy having the new blocks and items. You all deserve that.

 I've held on to the hope of an update for many months. In recent weeks it's become painfully clear to me that it very likely will not be happening.

 Minecraft 1.8 has been out almost a year now. Our reasons for waiting to update were important. We needed to wait until all of the core plugins had updated enough that we could know player's homes and items would be safe, their means of transport would be secure and the cleans they worked so hard to build would move over in their entirety and without issue, among other things.

 Around the time of the update to 1.8, there was some drama in the Minecraft community (NOT Famcraft, just Minecraft) and many of the developers stopped working on the plugins we needed.
 Famcraft depends on around 40 plugins to keep things as they are. Many of these plugins we can work around or live without, even though we really like them. Many of the plugins are fundamental to the server because we will always keep the same map.
  If we were moving to a new map, it would not have been so hard but it matters so much to us to keep all of our player's work in place. We love our map. It's home to us all and we'd never change it.

 Very slowly, the plugin developers began to return and update some of our most crucial plugins. LWC, Precious Stones, StarGates (so important to us!) and others. After many months of waiting, and many months of players being sooo patient, it finally looked like updating would be a viable option!
 Around the same time as it started becoming feasible to update the server, the owners and most of the admin team got too busy with irl things to have any time to work on it. They have jobs and school and some of them even picked up and moved across the country! They have all manner of real-life things going on that pretty much take up all the time they used to have for Famcraft.
 They are still here for emergencies, but beyond that they are pretty much busy with their own stuff now.I am very happy for them all because these are all very positive life changes for them!
 I am still here. I haven't gone anywhere. I am on irc around the clock, and watching console too. I watch for players or staff to need me, swoop in game and help out and then log out of the game to do other things. I am never gone. I promise I won't be leaving yall. I am here.

 I pushed so hard for the update. We even did a lot of testing. Honestly, we got it to the point of just a few more hours of work and testing before it could have gone live.
 Sadly, I absolutely can not do it alone. As much as I have Famcraft's best interest at heart, at the end of the day  I am just a player with a red name who can place spawners and StarGates. I do not have the ability to update for us without the help of the real admins.

 I'm sorry because I know I let everyone down by providing false hope that an update was coming soon. I am always honest with you all. At the time I told everyone we would be updating soon it was my understanding that we would be. I was not trying to be misleading, I promise.

 Again, Panda. Thank you so much for your very kind words. <3



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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #6 on July 31, 2015, 12:55:11 PM »
Anna, you shouldn't be sorry for something you can't control. I know you might feel a little bad about telling people that we would be updating, but something came up after you told people that you couldn't possibly have controlled. I know you love us and want the best for us, but an update won't really change anything. An update would be cool, but it isn't necessary. An update won't change how much we love famcraft. As I said before, don't stress yourself over this. Just take your time and relax. We all will still love you and all the other admins no matter what.

Sometimes you have to look Beyond The Panda.

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #7 on July 31, 2015, 08:44:16 PM »
I agree 100% with what Panda said :) There's absolutely no need to apologize for something that just can't be helped <3 We all totally understand, and have explained countless times, that real life comes before the game -- but it's always fun to come back here to be with our second families, especially when we need it most! :D If we do ever get to update, it's going to be well worth it. In the meantime, we're all here to help however we can, just as we always have been :) We're not goin' anywhere just because an update isn't gonna happen :D

Offline ParagliderPanda

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #8 on July 31, 2015, 09:49:28 PM »
If there is one thing that famcraft has taught me, it's to never rush anything. Rushing makes mistakes and nobody wants mistakes. Take your time, relax, and have a good time. Don't feel like you have to get something done quickly. The only time rushin is OK is if you're from Russia. That joke would've been much funnier verbally.

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Offline TrueMinecraftGuy

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #9 on July 31, 2015, 10:06:07 PM »
I like how this turned from 1.8 to praising panda

Offline ParagliderPanda

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #10 on July 31, 2015, 10:12:10 PM »
I like how this turned from 1.8 to praising panda

This went from 1.8 to praising me praising the admins**

Sometimes you have to look Beyond The Panda.

Offline TrueMinecraftGuy

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #11 on July 31, 2015, 10:49:30 PM »
... mkay den

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #12 on July 31, 2015, 11:43:09 PM »
 Thank you all so much for your kind words of support. <3

Offline EvieAnn

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #13 on August 03, 2015, 09:37:23 AM »
Anna, you may not be able to get us to 1.8, but you have gotten us so far. When people see you talk on IRC and say "Hey Anna!" Or "WB Anna!" they are excited to see you, not because you are an admin that is trying to update to 1.8, because you are an awesome person that is gentle, sweet, and funny, but can and will be stern and serious when needed. I don't admire you because you are an admin, but because of how great of a person you are. I say this as a normal player that logs into Famcraft regularly, and as someone who (at this point) isn't really excited about MC 1.8. I come onto Famcraft because of the community that some other servers don't have. Well I don't know how to really end this so I'll just go with a <3.
<3, cevieann
Rider: you should make this a mall
Iron: NUU
Rider: why
Iron: mall is gunna be at new clan home
Rider: you could WE this
Iron: NUU
Iron: bacon and i are making this
*Rider rolls eyes*
Rider: you should hire me
Iron: NUU
Rider: >: why??
Iron: hiring=pay
Rider: maybe ill VOLUNTEER
Iron: like for free?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: When will the server be updated?
« Reply #14 on August 03, 2015, 09:03:19 PM »
 Thank you, Evieann, These are truly some of the kindest words anyone has ever said to me. Thank you so much for your sweetness and for being the kind of person we are proud to have here on Famcraft. <33