
Author Topic: Disappearing XP Bottles  (Read 4526 times)

Offline mathfreak2

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Disappearing XP Bottles
« Opened on August 12, 2015, 04:50:33 PM (Edited August 12, 2015, 04:54:12 PM) »
So, I have a zombie spawner in my enchant area to make xp bottles, but the last two times I have used it, the xp bottles disappeared. I don't know what's happened as it hasn't done this before these two times. Could an admin take a look at it please?

EDIT: I think it may have something to do with the chests next to it, but I checked behind them, and the xp bottles still weren't there.
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Disappearing XP Bottles
« Reply #1 on August 12, 2015, 08:24:05 PM »
 I checked around and under, and hollowed out a small area underneath. I could not replicate the issue. Could lag be involved at all? I put some xp bottles in a nearby chest to make up for your trouble. Please let me know if this issue continues.

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: Disappearing XP Bottles
« Reply #2 on August 13, 2015, 07:50:33 PM »
Thank you very much and will do.
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD