
Author Topic: The funniest conversation you ever had  (Read 9390 times)

Offline FrodoRose

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The funniest conversation you ever had
« Opened on September 16, 2015, 08:30:16 PM »
This is basically just a thing to get you laughing for the day, the title basically explains it all, what's the funniest conversation you have ever had?! Here is mine, its an irl conversation. (yours can be irl or in Minecraft)

Me: So you know that really powdered sugar?
wolfylove3: Yeah
Me: Its like that, just not powdered sugar.
wolfylove3: What?
Me: think of the sugar in a pixie stick.
wolfylove3: I never had a pixie stick before.
Me: Well, Its like Baking sugar.
wolfylove3: sugar
me: sugar
wolfylove3: so just sugar
me: but not sugar
wolfylove3: sugar?
me: sugar.
Both: sugar *crack up laughing*
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
Sugar can die, I have a mouth

Offline PixelStory

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #1 on September 17, 2015, 10:53:31 AM »
Hmm, I cant seem to think of any. But that example was funny XD

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #2 on September 17, 2015, 11:41:56 AM »
So I've been learning Latin with an independent study class. So, here goes my most recent funniest conversation. It was through text with a friend of mine I've now known for 7-8 years. He is now a sophomore at Princeton University in New Jersey.

My friend: He must be under a veil.
Me: Isn't he always these days?
My friend: He's a very veiluable person.
Me: Ow...
My friend: Sad you didn't think of that one yourself?
Me: Just a little
My friend: If you only envy my comedic genius a little, then you clearly don't comprehend it.
Me: XD I never said I envied it!
My friend: What is wanting to have made a joke that I made if not envy of my comedic genius?
Me: The comparison between those is similar to the comparison between the envy of something you have and something you are. It is not the same thing.
My friend: Get out of here with your logic and down-to-Earth-edness and let me keep self-aggrandizing.
Me: XDDD I commend you for successfully emulating the internet.
Me: (in Latin) Without philosophy, we often err and pay the penalty
Me: Btw, I think I just won the archaic speaking contest right there. That was Latin.
My friend: I should study Latin.
My friend: It befits my Ivy League transcendence.
Me: XD indeed
Me: Do you envy my superior knowledge of Latin?
My friend: Possibly slightly
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline bo_weevil

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #3 on September 17, 2015, 09:45:38 PM »

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #4 on September 17, 2015, 09:59:43 PM »
That made my head hurt.

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline PixelStory

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #5 on September 18, 2015, 05:48:18 AM »
This wasn't a conversation but it's still funny. (I cant remember the names :P)

(Someone with elsa in the name): I lag

(Staff Member) Let it Lag! Let it Lag! Java can't handle it anymore! I didn't need FPS anyways...

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #6 on September 18, 2015, 10:58:40 AM »
Idk the player but the mod was Archi.

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #7 on September 18, 2015, 11:00:22 AM »
<Helper:Panda> Kackarino
<KeyFox> Kack?
<Tech> kback
<Helper:Panda> yup
<Helper:Panda> Kbackarinababino
<KeyFox> kwlcomeback
<Tech> kthx
<Tech> kwhattodonow
<KeyFox> k/mepokeseveryone
<Tech> Kthen

Pssshh... This isnt my Sig...

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline PixelProne

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #8 on September 18, 2015, 11:26:04 AM »
So I've been learning Latin with an independent study class. So, here goes my most recent funniest conversation. It was through text with a friend of mine I've now known for 7-8 years. He is now a sophomore at Princeton University in New Jersey.

My friend: He must be under a veil.
Me: Isn't he always these days?
My friend: He's a very veiluable person.
Me: Ow...
My friend: Sad you didn't think of that one yourself?
Me: Just a little
My friend: If you only envy my comedic genius a little, then you clearly don't comprehend it.
Me: XD I never said I envied it!
My friend: What is wanting to have made a joke that I made if not envy of my comedic genius?
Me: The comparison between those is similar to the comparison between the envy of something you have and something you are. It is not the same thing.
My friend: Get out of here with your logic and down-to-Earth-edness and let me keep self-aggrandizing.
Me: XDDD I commend you for successfully emulating the internet.
Me: (in Latin) Without philosophy, we often err and pay the penalty
Me: Btw, I think I just won the archaic speaking contest right there. That was Latin.
My friend: I should study Latin.
My friend: It befits my Ivy League transcendence.
Me: XD indeed
Me: Do you envy my superior knowledge of Latin?
My friend: Possibly slightly

I wound up attempting to substitute those large words I dont understand, for smaller words that I only understand a little bit :P..
Computer: ...
Computer: ...
Computer: Attempt failed. Try again.

I'll edit this comment when I remember a funny story to tell >_>
*puts headphones on*
(an hour later)
"oh right"
*plays music*

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #9 on October 07, 2015, 04:24:10 PM »
So I've been learning Latin with an independent study class. So, here goes my most recent funniest conversation. It was through text with a friend of mine I've now known for 7-8 years. He is now a sophomore at Princeton University in New Jersey.

My friend: He must be under a veil.
Me: Isn't he always these days?
My friend: He's a very veiluable person.
Me: Ow...
My friend: Sad you didn't think of that one yourself?
Me: Just a little
My friend: If you only envy my comedic genius a little, then you clearly don't comprehend it.
Me: XD I never said I envied it!
My friend: What is wanting to have made a joke that I made if not envy of my comedic genius?
Me: The comparison between those is similar to the comparison between the envy of something you have and something you are. It is not the same thing.
My friend: Get out of here with your logic and down-to-Earth-edness and let me keep self-aggrandizing.
Me: XDDD I commend you for successfully emulating the internet.
Me: (in Latin) Without philosophy, we often err and pay the penalty
Me: Btw, I think I just won the archaic speaking contest right there. That was Latin.
My friend: I should study Latin.
My friend: It befits my Ivy League transcendence.
Me: XD indeed
Me: Do you envy my superior knowledge of Latin?
My friend: Possibly slightly

I wound up attempting to substitute those large words I dont understand, for smaller words that I only understand a little bit :P..

Here are the definitions of most of the lesser used words we used in that conversation. Many of them have more than one definition, so I'm just defining them as we used them.

veil - noun. something that makes something else hard to see, usually magical in nature. An invisibility cloak is considered a veil.

aggrandize - verb. to enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts.

archaic - (of a word or a style of language) no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor.

Ivy League - a group of a select few colleges that are very renowned. Princeton is a part of the Ivy League.

transcendence - existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #10 on October 08, 2015, 10:32:32 AM »
Your explanations made my head hurt even worse.

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #11 on October 08, 2015, 11:02:44 AM »
Your explanations made my head hurt even worse.

haha xD
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #12 on October 22, 2015, 09:34:24 PM »
This is basically just a thing to get you laughing for the day, the title basically explains it all, what's the funniest conversation you have ever had?! Here is mine, its an irl conversation. (yours can be irl or in Minecraft)

Me: So you know that really powdered sugar?
wolfylove3: Yeah
Me: Its like that, just not powdered sugar.
wolfylove3: What?
Me: think of the sugar in a pixie stick.
wolfylove3: I never had a pixie stick before.
Me: Well, Its like Baking sugar.
wolfylove3: sugar
me: sugar
wolfylove3: so just sugar
me: but not sugar
wolfylove3: sugar?
me: sugar.
Both: sugar *crack up laughing*
        heh here's one: Me: Luke
~Luke: What??
Me: I am your father.
~Luke: Lol XD
* Luke is laffing

anyone get the Starwars reference ?
The past tense of yeet is yote

Art in profile picture by me!

Offline FrodoRose

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #13 on October 24, 2015, 10:43:42 AM »
I get it :)
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
Sugar can die, I have a mouth

Offline ArcticPenguin1

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Re: The funniest conversation you ever had
« Reply #14 on October 24, 2015, 10:31:17 PM »
These made my head hurt. xD
BOLTS.~Socksie: Anyone wanna join BOLTS? :33 <33
BOLTS.~Socksie: Say I if you want to see the clan home or join!
BOLTS.Nunjakid: I
BOLTS.GamingPony47: I
BOLTS.~Yarny: I
BOLTS.~Socksie: kthxbai
socks1stormy1 left the game.