
Author Topic: My plea  (Read 5260 times)

Offline TheRussianYoshi

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My plea
« Opened on September 20, 2015, 04:15:18 PM (Edited September 20, 2015, 04:48:43 PM) »
So I'm kinda new to the server, only joined 3 days ago (or something like that), and I went to the farm to get some food. While there, I collected the amount I needed and started to replant the potatoes, while I was doing that, I lagged out, or crashed. By the time I fixed it and came back, maybe 5-7 mins later, I was already banned. I know the whole replant rule, but come on, I timed out while I was replanting, it wasn't like I left the server on purpose and for a long time, it was a simple crash. I never broke any rules before and, as I said, I was on here for maybe 3 days. Please read this and consider unbanning me, I didn't do anything on purpose, I just timed out. Thank you and have a good day.

Offline TheRussianYoshi

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Re: My plea
« Reply #1 on September 23, 2015, 07:21:17 PM »
Hey it's me. It's been 72+ hours and still no reply (your policy says 1-3 days, that's I'm writing again), while other people have had their cases looked at. All I'm asking is for an unban because while I was collecting potatoes I crashed, and when I came back (5-7 mins later) I was banned. Can I please get an unban and get back on the server? I didn't leave on purpose, I just crashed because I live in a mountainous region and my internet isn't that good.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My plea
« Reply #2 on September 23, 2015, 08:54:39 PM »
 Your ban was a three day tempban, and it has expired.

 A very large area was left unplanted. I am sorry you had internet issues that prevented you from being able to replant. We will see you on the server any time you are ready to play again.

 Ban pleas are replied to as we are able to get to them.

 For any future plea,  phrasing such as "I know the whole replant rule, but come on," is never ideal when you are asking about a ban.

 See you on the server.