
Author Topic: Unban Request  (Read 3729 times)

Offline belztimsoranges

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Unban Request
« Opened on August 27, 2015, 08:21:34 PM »
Hello, my name is belztimsoranges or HailHydra on my main account.

Today I come to you today for an incident that took place over a year ago, when I was banned for drama, and in general being an intrinsically immature person. I remember the day I was banned like it was yesterday, but today I come to you because I have changed drastically. I have come to appreciate a sense of formality and maturity which I did not have before and I want to help other people again. I really hope you consider this plea and may consider giving a changed me another chance.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #1 on August 27, 2015, 08:53:58 PM (Edited August 27, 2015, 09:01:17 PM) »
 You've not played on this server under any of those names, or any of the past names of those accounts.
 If you care to provide more information or tell us what message you see upon attempting to log in we will try to be more help to you.

 Additionally, the name "HailHydra" would not be allowed on this server.

Offline belztimsoranges

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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #2 on August 27, 2015, 09:07:40 PM »
Oops! I almost forgot I changed my name from hifivepokemon, the account I was banned on a long time ago. I am also looking forward to transferring my inventory stuff to my alternate account on which I will be playing on: belztimsoranges. If you would be so kind enough to whitelist that account so I can hop on and discuss.

When I logon it just gives me the "Banned: Plea at Famcraft Forums" on my main account: HailHydra

Offline belztimsoranges

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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #3 on August 27, 2015, 09:09:32 PM »
To make things clearer.

Account I was banned on : _HailHydra_
Account I look forward to play on: belztimsoranges

It would be awesome if I could transfer my really old stuff to my new account.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #4 on August 27, 2015, 09:21:47 PM »
 Thank you for clarifying your identity. You were banned here as hifivepokemon. We will not allow the name _HailHydra_ here, but you are welcome  to play on the belztimsoranges account as long as you read the rules at /spawn and make an effort to follow them.

 I have reviewed your past issues. You seem much more mature now. However, please know that if things get out of hand and you end up banned again, you will not be able to plea.

 You will be pardoned and whitelisted now. See you on the server.