
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 4218 times)

Offline affalcon03

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on May 23, 2016, 03:29:42 PM »
Dear RubensCherub,
      I am very sorry for taking your books. I was looking for signs one day, during the sign hunt, and i decided to look inside a statue, and i stumbled across a chest that was opened. I assumed that since it was open that anyone who found it could have what was inside. When i was told that i should not have them i gave them back. It was not my intent to steal something that did not belong to me. I understand that is wrong and I will NEVER do it again. Before I was banned today I listened to what you told me yesterday. I understood that my " Apartment Building " was causing too much " Drama " so i stopped renting out the rooms and said they were now permanently free. Yesterday when you talked to me about my behavior and that i might be going towards a ban i thought long and hard about it over the night. I realized that even if i don't think rules apply to  something that they do. I have tried to improve my behavior since last night and I stopped focusing on, selling things and making tons of money, rather towards helping people and giving things away to people who might need/want. When i did the raffle and sold tickets I thought that 5k FamCoins would be a reasonable price because the main winner would win a chest full of music disks, the main prize was not the 5 iron ingots, I just wanted more than one person to win something and i saw 5 iron in my chest when i looked so i thought that would be an ok prize for the secondary or 3rd winner. I will not host another raffle with high prices i realize that would not be fair to the other FamCraft players. I am very sorry that I took the books a while ago, as I said did not understand that something in an open chest would still be griefing, but I now  understand. I really love this server, it is very wonderful, and it was never my intent to break the rules. If you would please give me another chance I would be so thankful and I will Try my best as humanely possible to never break another FamCraft rule.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on June 02, 2016, 01:13:56 PM »

 I am going to pardon you this one time. I have no doubt you knew you were stealing when you took those books. You have been playing here long enough to know we do not EVER allow griefing or stealing.
 As there have already been multiple issues with your behavior here, this will be your last chance. When you return please review the rules at /spawn and make every effort to follow them.

 Additionally, we DO NOT want the drama of you returning and making an effort to discuss this ban in chat. Please make sure not to mention/discuss bans in public chat.

 We will look foward to seeing you back on the server. Your ban has been lifted.