
Author Topic: Let's tell a story  (Read 5032 times)

Offline PixelArtistTavi

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Let's tell a story
« Opened on October 21, 2013, 10:04:18 AM (Edited October 21, 2013, 11:13:53 AM) »
Let's tell a story of how you found this server and how it changed you or how it lead you to a better path or to a whole light in the dark.

I originally joined this server as KillerPhil17, I found this server by googling "Family Friendly Servers" and then found this. When I had originally joined I was extremely shy and didn't really make any friends on this server. After October I had lost the account of KillerPhil17 and then waited till December and made the account Thelonelyone67. Even when I came back I was still shy and just lived by myself. My first friend on the server would probably be Anna. If it wasn't for the mention of Mumble I wouldn't of made any friends and would of probably left the server all together.

This server had me a better person in so many ways, it had broken my shy state and the Famcraft community is so big and amazing that it will just keep getting bigger and bigger till it evolves into something even greater.

To many this place is a place to hang out with their friends but to me I see this place as whole big family.

Offline vespamartio

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Re: Let's tell a story
« Reply #1 on October 21, 2013, 02:54:09 PM »
Story time!!

This is the story of how I found Famcraft.

One late night, around 10:36, Silverwolflady and I were server hunting because we were bored and hadn't been on any "good" servers lately.

We had gone through about 5 different servers already when we found a "decent" server (It wasn't a keeper).

While she was playing around on the "decent" server, I was looking for more servers. I found one that had the title of Farmcraft.

I decided to give it a shot since i like farming.

When I was typing in the IP address, I noticed that it said "Fam"craft and not "Farm"craft (vespa's idiocy strikes again!), but because I'm lazy and didn't feel like server hunting, I finished typing the IP and told Silver to type in the IP too.

When we joined, it felt like being greeted by a chorus of angels. We were both equally shocked at the welcoming committee and how shockingly kind people were.

After the welcomes died down, we were given a "Once in a lifetime " tour by Anna!  But halfway through the tour it became 11:00 and i had to get off :'(. (Only recently did I get the other half of that tour, which by then i already new the stuff.)

The next day i got on a skype call with Stitch, Silver, s3, and MockingJay, they told me to go through a random portal and i did and they led me to their houses. After a while they all moved their houses to different locations(and still continue to move them.).

I'm the only one left at that place.

I will never forget that night, ever....
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline Gedude

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Re: Let's tell a story
« Reply #2 on October 21, 2013, 07:51:51 PM »
Story time? Alright get comfortable.

Early July 2012, I was browsing a tumblr, skimming as usual, when the poster said he was on a minecraft server and I should join. Why not? I have a hour to kill. Just play on for one hour and leave forever. I joined and began reading the rules. I finished fast and began wandering spawn. I tell a lot of people this, but i'll tell it again. I never received a proper tour. By the time roadkilered gave me a tour, I had already found my way around and got settled. An hour passed and I had to go, never to return. As you can guess, i returned a day later.  I checked up my crops and made some friends. I joined a clan, it was LoZ themed, i quit soon and joined Cielo in its baby stage. I met Tricky, Sammeh, a few others and decided, you know what, this server is half bad. Months flew by, ive been here for a year. So, you've been here a year gedude, wouldnt you have like, 1000 friends? Well, not really, most people have a buddy or two they look forward to playing with. Me? Well let's just say it might as well be singleplayer. I'm not a kinda guy who depends on others so it doesn't really hurt me. I try to be friendly to all famcrafters and I try not to make enemies, but still, joining a mumble chatroom or joining in on a game everyones playing doesn't feel.. Right. Like i shouldn't be there. I'll find out whats wrong eventually but until then.. I'll be where i always am. On famcraft.

Cielo Gedude: I'm on the edggee
Cielo Gedude: Of glorryy
Gedude hit the ground too hard

Offline BretBuscus

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Re: Let's tell a story
« Reply #3 on October 21, 2013, 08:41:34 PM »
My story involves me being a stupid punk...

I had originally met Bk on Micah's old server, and I had some very bad anger issues at that time, and I snapped on bk... I said very horrible things to him, and I was eventually banned. When I saw that Ph0 was playing on a server created by him, I came on to say how sorry I was. I continued playing on Famcraft for quite some time, until I recently quit survival. There's a lot of details left out, but I shouldn't say them... bad things... BAD! I've been here since May of 2012, so I've made some friends, yet I've also made some enemies. Story = complete.