
Author Topic: Famcraft Image Vault  (Read 4563 times)

Offline Kealper

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Famcraft Image Vault
« Opened on March 22, 2014, 02:02:35 AM (Edited March 24, 2014, 09:47:31 PM) »
Need to share an image somewhere? Use the Famcraft Image Vault!


The Famcraft Image Vault is an image hosting website, tailored specifically to Famcraft. You can use it to upload your forum signature images, your screenshots for things such as auction house listings or forum posts, and anything else that lets you post images.

If you choose to use the Image Vault, please make sure that all your uploads follow the general Famcraft rules. Failure to follow the rules may result in stuff like deleting your image, a ban from the Image Vault, or worse, and that's never fun.

The Image Vault provides a few different things, such as an image stats page. Each uploaded image has its own stats page, like this one:


The stats page has things such as the image's title, a preview of the image, how long ago the image was uploaded, who uploaded the image, the number of times that image has been viewed, and the total amount of bandwidth that image has used.
On the stats page of the image, below the image preview, you'll see a "Sharing Links" section. This has various pre-formatted links to your image so you can just click the link you want, copy it, and paste it directly into the service you wish to add the image into.

The direct image link just looks like this:


The direct links such as the one above will still count towards the image's total views and stuff, too!

Things to note:
There are no user accounts on the Image Vault (right now!), so when you upload an image, you will be given a special delete link, this delete link is a special link that will only show up when you first upload your image. You can find it at the bottom of the page, below the Sharing Links section. If you ever think you need to delete an image, make sure you save that delete link that you are given when you first uploaded your image.
There is no public gallery of uploaded images, so if you just upload an image and leave it there without sharing it, no one will see it because they won't know it's there!
The circled "!" button to the right of the image's title on all images' stats pages is a button to anonymously report an image. If an image offends you, please do not hesitate to click that button and report it. Clicking the report button will take you to a page asking you to confirm whether you want to report the image or not, so if you clicked the button accidentally, it's ok!

Finally: If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports, please post them here!

Offline Kealper

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Re: Famcraft Image Vault
« Reply #1 on March 24, 2014, 09:54:57 PM »
Added a report button so users can report an image if they feel it breaks the rules. The report button is a circled "!" and can be found to the right of the image's title on the image's stats page. If you don't have a link to the image's stats page, you can always get to it by just removing the file extension from the URL. (So if the link to the image ends in .jpg, remove the ".jpg" part in the link and then go to it, you'll get that image's stats page.)

Reporting an image is anonymous, and when you click it, it will take you to a confirmation page, asking if you actually wanted to report the image or not. If you click yes on that confirmation page, your report will be submitted and the admins will see the report and take appropriate action.

You are also required to enter your actual in-game name as the username for when you post an image. Nicknames will not work, it has to be your actual Minecraft name!