Dearest Famcrafters,
Today, I would like to take a few minutes to share some vital information with you all. This post is for myself, as well as for alll staff and players.
Day after day I see players positively insisting they know every second staff is online. I am often private messaged things like "Answer me! I know you're there!" Always makes me laugh a little because I usually see them when returning from being afk, because actually, no, I was not there.

We are all aware of the many methods players have to "see" if we are online. We are aware of all the ways you know to check, and even some you have not thought of yet

We also have methods of being online that are completely undetectable by any of these means.
Just because you "see" us "online" does NOT mean we are active and available in game at that very moment. At the same time, just because you DO NOT see us, that does not mean that we are not right there and readily available. Instead of trying to play hide and seek, or trying to "catch us" or private message until you feel we have no choice but to reply, Try asking for help in public chat, and stating what you need.
If you need something from a specific player or staff member /mail send [playername] is always an excellent option.
The fact is, our staff team, as incredible as they are, are all humans :O This means we may log in- make sure things are ok on the server... and step away to make lunch, or walk the dog, or go get the mail. We may switch to another browser window and read the forum, or on a slow, lazy day, we may watch a movie while we keep an eye on chat.
Being "online" does not mean we are readily available for non-staff conversations or activities. We always make every effort to be here for staff related issues. Many times we handle situations quietly via /msg.
If we are afk, many of us check the logs, and our mail as soon as we return to the keyboard, to see if we were needed while we were away. If you are patient, you'll likely find you usually get the help you need pretty quickly! And if not, there is always the Admin Help Request system here:,6632.0.html Please do not send harassing /msg or less-than-polite/ spammy public chat messages because you assume a staff member is online based on your "sources". Again, just ask politely in public chat and state what you need.
As the matter of fact, it always helps to say what you need in chat, for any staff help request.
If I see "Rubens! TP!" in chat.. I usually don't actually tp. I wait for more info. If I see "Rubens, I need a World Edit please." I will normally tp instantly". Saying what you need will help us, help you faster.
So yeah, please just try to be patient, and keep in mind your methods of detecting online staff may not be as accurate as you think.
^Patience Please try to be patient. Patience can help you in every aspect of your life. People who practice patience tend to be happier and more relaxed, and often find that they have better outcomes in everyday situations.

Patience: The ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.