
Author Topic: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs  (Read 12811 times)

Offline mathfreak2

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Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Opened on December 11, 2014, 02:11:13 AM »
First of all, there is something to be said for this:

 ^jobs: We offer jobs on this server. Jobs allow you to earn Famcoins. You may have up to * 4 * jobs. To see a list of jobs: /jobs browse To join the jobs you would like to have: /jobs join [jobname] To see more info about any job:/jobs info [jobname] As you do your job, you will gain job xp, which will allow you to level up and earn raises in pay.

The above information tells you how to get a job in the first place. Now, I'm going to explain a few tips and tricks you can use to make money faster with them. Typically, there are things you can craft or smelt in each job (with the exception of Builder) that will earn money. Also, to gain the maximum amount of money, it is best to keep to just one job because you level up much, much faster the fewer jobs you have. Here is the list of popular ones for each job and how much money you get at level 1:

Woodcutter: Axes/$10 ($3.333 per iron ingot)
Miner: Minecarts/$10 ($2 per iron ingot)
Digger: Iron Spades/$3 ($3 per iron ingot)
Farmer: Iron Hoes/$3 ($1.5 per iron ingot)
Fisherman: Fish: raw fish/$10 Craft: Fishing Rods/$1, Boats/$2, Smelt: Cooked Fish/$5
Weaponsmith: Anvils/$46 ($1.484 per iron ingot)
Netherworker: Smelt: nether brick items/$2

I will provide essentially two tutorials - one for crafting and one for smelting

1. Gather Your Materials

The first step you will want to take to take advantage of these job perks are to gather the materials you need in order to start crafting/smelting in large amounts. You can do this by either buying the materials you need, or you can gather them yourself - either will work.

The next part will be only for crafting based jobs. This applies to Woodcutter, Miner, Digger, Farmer, Fisherman, and Weaponsmith.

2. Find a Good Place to Craft

This part is very important as the place you decide to craft your items can increase the amount of your materials that spawn. For example, if you need iron for your job, if you choose a crafting spot at an iron farm, then that will spawn iron while you craft.

3. Remember Your Hotbar and Your Hotkeys

Your hotbar is the 9 spaces in your inventory that you see without pressing your inventory key. These have numbers associated with them. From left to right, the numbers go from 1 to 9 respectively. Hovering your mouse over a place in an inventory and pressing a number 1-9 will switch the item over which your mouse is hover and the associated spot in your hotbar.

Now, this also works with a crafting table. You can quickly place items in a crafting table using this method.

4. Use Your Drop Key

Once you have everything in the proper place in the crafting table, and you're ready to craft the item that makes you money, do NOT shift click that item into your inventory. I repeat: do NOT shift click that item into your inventory. If you shift click, your inventory will be filled with that useless item AND you will only get paid for one of them, so do NOT shift click that item into your inventory. Instead, use your drop key in a similar fashion as you used the numbers for your hotbar. Your drop key is set to "q" by default, but I highly recommend changing it to a bigger key on your keyboard. You can change your drop key by pressing Esc --> Options --> Controls. Find the "Drop Item" option and click the listed key next to it. Then, press the key on your keyboard you want to have as your drop key. As you can see, mine is right shift because it is a much bigger key which allows me to press it faster and more easily.

Once you have a comfortable drop key, you can use it to craft your item that makes you money much faster. Like you did with your hotkeys, you can hover over the item your crafting in the crafting table and press your drop key. This will drop it out of the crafting table without going into your inventory. Make sure this item drops into lava, so that you don't have thousands of entities falling to the ground and causing lag.

And make sure this is where they fall:

5. Persistence

They say, "Practice makes perfect!" While this may not always be true, it is certainly a good motto to follow when using jobs to get money. The more you work on your jobs, the faster you level up, and the more money you get from them. So, the more you work on your jobs, the more money you get.

The follow will explain tips and tricks for smelting based jobs. This includes Fisherman and Netherworker. Given that I am a Miner, this explanation may not include everything. If you think of anything else, feel free to comment your ideas!

2. Find a Good Place to Smelt

This is all about the set up of the area you are in. It would be best to keep your smelting place near your resource gathering place so you can gather materials while you smelt. So, if you were a netherworker, your smelting place should be in the nether near a body of lava as well as a wall of netherrack, but if you were a fisherman, you would probably want your smelting place near a large body of water.

3. Have Lots of Fuel

You will want lots of fuel to keep up with your items that you are smelting. You can even automate the process of putting fuel into your furnaces. Simply connect a chest with hoppers connecting it to the furnaces from behind. All you have to do then is put your fuel in the chest, and the furnace will receive fuel when it needs. You can also connect a hopper from the bottom of the furnace into another chest, and that will take already smelted items and put them into the bottom chest. In order to get paid, though, you must put the nether brick items/raw fish into the furnace yourself.

4. Persistence

They say, "Practice makes perfect!" While this may not always be true, it is certainly a good motto to follow when using jobs to get money. The more you work on your jobs, the faster you level up, and the more money you get from them. So, the more you work on your jobs, the more money you get.

I hope this helped! Good luck with all of your future, money-making endeavors! :D
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD

Offline Domsters931

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #1 on December 11, 2014, 06:17:03 AM »
Thanks! I know I just learned a lot.

Offline Bush2003

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #2 on December 11, 2014, 10:29:44 AM »
Thanks Rowan!  This is a great tutorial!

Offline EvieAnn

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #3 on December 11, 2014, 11:08:16 AM »
This was super helpful Rowan! Now I'll be a millionaire in no time! :P
Rider: you should make this a mall
Iron: NUU
Rider: why
Iron: mall is gunna be at new clan home
Rider: you could WE this
Iron: NUU
Iron: bacon and i are making this
*Rider rolls eyes*
Rider: you should hire me
Iron: NUU
Rider: >: why??
Iron: hiring=pay
Rider: maybe ill VOLUNTEER
Iron: like for free?

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #4 on December 19, 2014, 06:36:47 PM »
thanks rowan, with this, maybe I can buy fly :D :D :D
   probably not but I can try :)

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline PegLegPegasus

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #5 on January 03, 2015, 07:41:29 PM »
1. Is this FTB?
2. you repeated the 'practice makes perfect' paragraph twice
3. if anyone has woodcutter, where do they get their wood? (im sorta lazy, so i dont often chop trees xD)
4. thanks! ill use dis
"Well why didn't you do it when you had the chance?"

This is me.

Offline mathfreak2

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Re: Tips and Tricks to Making Money Using Jobs
« Reply #6 on January 04, 2015, 06:31:37 AM »
1. Is this FTB?
2. you repeated the 'practice makes perfect' paragraph twice
3. if anyone has woodcutter, where do they get their wood? (im sorta lazy, so i dont often chop trees xD)
4. thanks! ill use dis

1. This is not FTB. This is survival.
2. Re-read the part where I split into two different tutorials. Since "Practice Makes Perfect" applies to both, I put it in both tutorials.
3. There are plenty of auto-tree farms. Make one yourself or use an already existing one; both work! You can also buy the wood if you don't feel like cutting it down, but that costs about $6,000 per stack if you want to get any amount of wood.
4. You're welcome! I'm glad I could help! :D
<Thoatt> I was very much into fluid dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) but your opinion on that was... fluid?
<Thoatt> up to ferrofluid in magnetic field dynamics
(SrMod: ~Rowan) that sounds like an attractive field
(SrMod: ~Rowan) I'm going hard on the puns right now XD