
Author Topic: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29  (Read 6858 times)

Offline Magnolia81

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Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Opened on January 04, 2015, 04:35:51 PM »

I am Magnolia81 and my sons are Devster29 and Lanster29. They were banned a few weeks ago after only playing a few days. I've heard from them why THEY believe they were banned, but a child's story is always in their favor and I'd really like an administrator or someone similar to tell me the real reasons.

I'm trying to teach the rules as we play, but I'm unsure on what to focus on without knowing the real reasons.

Can you please help me out and advise why they were each banned and also advise if there are any measures that can be taken to have the ban lifted?


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #1 on January 04, 2015, 07:15:19 PM (Edited January 04, 2015, 08:12:35 PM) »
 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about your children's bans.

 Here at Famcraft we have a rule asking players not to leave their pet dogs scattered around in public locations. These dogs can only be removed by an admin. They clutter spawn, and often are right in places players need to access.
 Dogs are locked to their owners and those owners are identifiable to staff. Dogs will teleport around with their owners, however, for a dog to remain the owner must intentionally right click their dog to make it sit down and stay at a location.

 Lanster29 left many dogs directly in our public Stargate room. My favorite was the one he carefully parked directly under the sign that says, in bold print "DO NOT Leave Your Pets in Public Places - They will be removed and you will be warned or banned"
 The ban was made perm rather than temp because of the effort he went to in order to seat the dog right below the sign, and the number of dogs he chose to leave at spawn.

 Like his brother, Devster29 abandoned multiple pets in a public location. He left 9 dogs at the public carnival. It takes a little time to teleport and seat that many dogs. He was also perm banned as both players seemed to find it acceptable to break this rule.

 When players break this rule, players who do follow the rules end up unfairly paying the price. We were forced to remove the free public wolf spawner where players were able to tame and adopt their own pet dog in order to slow down the number of players who were abandoning these animals in public locations.

 Lanster29 and Devster29 can both be unbanned and allowed to return if they will review the rules, and understand that the rules do matter here, and that breaking rules can often effect other players in a negative way.

 If they are willing and able to review the rules and make every effort to follow them, please reply here and we will get them back on the server. 

 If you review the rules here: https://famcraft.com/index.php/topic,2.0.html You will note "No Griefing" is the first rule. 

 Here are some of the things that count as griefing-

* Removing any block another player placed without that player's permission

*Placing a protection stone in another player's area

*Harvesting another player's crops without their permission

*Killing another player's animals without their permission

*Claiming/protecting another players pet without permission (Example: taming a wolf, protecting a horse)

*Removing/changing landscape features in another players "yard" (What is directly visible from their home)

*Placing blocks in another player's area without permission

 *Taking items from another player's chest without permission (Stealing/griefing)

*Keeping a players items after PvP if you did not agree to at first (Stealing)

*Not replanting at public/shared/clan farms

*Leaving any locked item such as a chest, furnace or pet in another player's space or a public location

Offline Magnolia81

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #2 on January 05, 2015, 08:39:40 PM »
Hi Rubens and thank you greatly for explaining the situations.

Sadly I believe we (their parents) may have contributed to their banning. The children both stated they were banned for the pets issue, but until now I honestly thought it was just an excuse. We have a harsh rule in the house that when it is time to get off the computer if they don't we shut it off for them. Their placing of some of the animals (I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt) might have been left there due to our actions. Although we will not take full responsibility, as they should definitely know better.

We will review the rules with them and I'll also monitor that they play while I am on the server as well for a while to also reinforce. There are 6 of us in one house that play and we have been trying for a long time to find a family friendly server which would be entertaining for everyone. The one we usually use closes down in a few days so we came to Famcraft with high hopes.

Thank you for the time to research and explain the issues. I will review the rules again with them and if they are able to be unbanned, please let me know what we need to do and we'll begin the reintroduction.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #3 on January 05, 2015, 08:46:47 PM »
 Thank you for your reply but as a parent, I can't let you take any of the blame for this. In Minecraft if you do NOT seat them intentionally, they follow you home. It would have taken less than 3 seconds to /home bed and let the dogs follow them, then log out. It probably took closer to 3 mins to teleport and seat all the dogs, including the one directly under the sign asking that they avoid exactly that action.

 Thank you for going over the rules with them. I am sure now that they know their actions can have a negative impact on other players, they will be more careful.

 I will lift their bans so they can return to Famcraft whenever they like.

 Famcraft will be 3 years old in April. The owners and staff member but a lot of time and effort into keeping Famcraft going strong for out amazing players. I hope you'll find a happy home here for years to come.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #4 on January 06, 2015, 08:40:30 PM (Edited January 06, 2015, 08:47:46 PM) »
 ... and Lanster29 is tempbanned 3 more days, for again leaving a dog in a public location. Please stress to him the importance of the rules.

Offline Magnolia81

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #5 on January 07, 2015, 06:40:59 AM »
Oh My Brother! We tried so hard yesterday and even had a buddy system for him to be with either me and/or his sister. Asking him this morning it was a 'forgot' moment leaving it in the Slime area. I am soooo Sorry!  We are really trying! Thank you for the temp status.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #6 on January 30, 2015, 01:54:04 PM »
 In case you drop by, I am not even sure what to say. I thought I would go ahead and share images. This just seems very intentional. :(



Offline Magnolia81

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #7 on January 31, 2015, 01:29:39 PM »
Oh My! Of course the first day I allow them to have dogs and of course this happens. We are so sorry again. Thank you for the screen shots as it helps me hold them accountable.

Is this now a perm ban for both of them?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #8 on February 02, 2015, 09:29:22 PM »
 Currently, it is set to perm. This is because of how intentionally the dogs seem to be placed.

Offline Magnolia81

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #9 on September 17, 2015, 06:12:23 PM »

It has been about 7 months since Lanster29 and Devster29 have been banned, and we'd like to plea for them to return. They are a little older and a little wiser and we wish to play in Famcraft as a family again. 

Please let us know if there is a way for this to be considered.

Thank You,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned Lanster29 and Devster29
« Reply #10 on September 23, 2015, 11:20:16 PM »
 Sure thing! That is a loooonggg time and a lot of growing up in kid-time. We would love to see them give it another shot.  8) We will look forward to seeing them back on the server.