
Author Topic: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions  (Read 48350 times)

Offline Rundrop

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #90 on December 31, 2013, 02:12:45 AM »
Thanks luke
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Offline bknysnake

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #91 on February 03, 2014, 02:31:36 PM »
Keep an eye out for a valentines sale, I may offer something special for all of you :)

Offline vespamartio

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #92 on February 03, 2014, 02:36:14 PM »
Keep an eye out for a valentines sale, I may offer something special for all of you :)

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Offline RealAndrewH

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #93 on February 03, 2014, 03:58:56 PM »
ooh, what is it :D

Offline miacamp

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #94 on February 03, 2014, 05:49:07 PM »
 ;D <3 <3 <3

It's a sign that I've been Famcrafting too much when I begin to think about Donation Sales and special kits and hanging out with all you wonderful people on holidays :P
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To get to the other- er, no- to go shopping- no, not that either- dangit

Offline bknysnake

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #95 on February 04, 2014, 07:21:33 AM »
Not famcrafting too much lol, it's more you feel at home, at peace playing with the people you enjoy being around. :) atleast that's what I like to think.

Offline miacamp

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #96 on February 04, 2014, 07:25:01 AM »
Not famcrafting too much lol, it's more you feel at home, at peace playing with the people you enjoy being around. :) atleast that's what I like to think.
:D Wonderful way to put it <3
Why did the forgetful chicken cross the road?

To get to the other- er, no- to go shopping- no, not that either- dangit

Offline spoo56

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #97 on February 22, 2014, 07:47:46 PM »
I just have a question. I've always wondered why there wasn't an unbreaking enchantment book or looting. why? :P

Offline Luca_B123

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #98 on April 23, 2014, 04:08:46 AM »
Just a  note here,

I would love to be able to donate to famcraft but my parents wont let me which is the same for a lot of people. And I feel that us people who haven't donated aren't being rewarded enough just for being one of your members. I know that the donators should be rewarded but if you reward the members a bit more (I know you already do) maybe more people would want to donate because you treat us as nice as donators. :D

Offline MrChris13

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #99 on April 23, 2014, 09:41:41 AM »
Just a  note here,

I would love to be able to donate to famcraft but my parents wont let me which is the same for a lot of people. And I feel that us people who haven't donated aren't being rewarded enough just for being one of your members. I know that the donators should be rewarded but if you reward the members a bit more (I know you already do) maybe more people would want to donate because you treat us as nice as donators. :D

This makes no sense, Famcraft does not "reward" players for donating, but they are happy and grateful when they do. The love on Famcraft is spread equally, no one gets special attention. If you did donate, they would thank you, (and give you the things that you donated for) but it's not like they don't care about the people who don't have money/aren't allowed to donate. It really makes no sense if they just rewarded random people, then no one would donate and the server wouldn't be able to support itself.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #100 on April 23, 2014, 01:49:50 PM (Edited April 23, 2014, 01:52:40 PM) »
Just a  note here,

I would love to be able to donate to famcraft but my parents wont let me which is the same for a lot of people. And I feel that us people who haven't donated aren't being rewarded enough just for being one of your members. I know that the donators should be rewarded but if you reward the members a bit more (I know you already do) maybe more people would want to donate because you treat us as nice as donators. :D

 Luca, we treat all players the same. Furthermore, you having more "rewards" in game is not more likely to make your Mom allow you to donate. If she does not want you to donate, she has her reasons and it is important to be respectful of them.

 We NEVER require or expect donations. Ever. Anyone who donates does so because they are able to, and wish to do so. They are rewarded with donor perks to thank them for their support.
 I think if you will put a bit more thought into what you've said up there, you will see things differently.

What do we do for all our players? If this is not enough, then I honestly do not think there is anything else we will be able to do for you.

All players are "rewarded" for being a part of our community in these ways:

*Kind and respectful staff on most hours
*New player tours
*A friendly community
*Strict enforcement of the rules to keep you and your builds safe
*Mob arenas
*Pvp arenas
*Build competitions
*Free kits
*Sign hunts
*Family friendly music stream (lately)
*Irc available to all players
*Mumble available to all players
*Inexpensive clan creation to give everyone an equal chance to be a clan leader
*Drop parties
*Periodic dragon fights (with spawned ender dragons)
*Public mall
*Public nether
*Public end
*Multiworld Toxic Skies world
*World Edit services available to all players (free for donors, fee for non-donors)
*Weekly re-positions of StarGates to help you always have access to adequate resources
*Famcraft Forum
*Famcrafters Social Site
*Individual help, even in a private channel when needed
*Encouragement and support
*Educational warps such as /warp signs, /warp redstone and /warp tour
*Free Farms gate at /warp sg with areas created by players and sometimes staff
*The opportunity to easily earn Famcoins in the game and purchase the items you want
*You start out on this server with 4 homes total, which is more than I see other places
*Famcraft auction house (So you can sell items in a more official auction-style)
*Famcraft image vault (Kealper made our own, family safe image hosting site)
*Direct communication with staff - No queue or ticket system here. You just ask, and we will help.
*Holiday celebrations with gift kits and events

And of course:   8) <333

^players: Thank you to all our amazing players. You are incredible people and we are so lucky to have you here. You are what makes FamCraft ROCK! <3 <3 <3

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #101 on April 23, 2014, 01:59:16 PM »
Excellent list Anna! Seeing that really made me happy to be a part of this community, and not just because of the prices and stuff, but mainly because of the players that make Famcraft what it is; a big family!  ;D

A couple other things though, we do occasionally offer prizes through drop parties and sometimes even host competitions for official donor status of varying amounts, up to $20 in the past! I don't know too many other servers willing to give up donation credit or 'ranks' as we have before...

Remember Luca, games aren't always about the gameplay... It's about the experiences you have with the ones you care for and who care for you.  ;)
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Offline eGI

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #102 on April 23, 2014, 05:49:51 PM »
A couple other things though, we do occasionally offer prizes through drop parties and sometimes even host competitions for official donor status of varying amounts, up to $20 in the past! I don't know too many other servers willing to give up donation credit or 'ranks' as we have before...

Very true, and the highest was actually a $20 half price donation, so $40 worth of rewards that was part of the Secret Santa Sign Hunt that B&G and myself put on in December.

Just a  note here,

I would love to be able to donate to famcraft but my parents wont let me which is the same for a lot of people. And I feel that us people who haven't donated aren't being rewarded enough just for being one of your members. I know that the donators should be rewarded but if you reward the members a bit more (I know you already do) maybe more people would want to donate because you treat us as nice as donators. :D

As a note on this, being a top donor, I would not say I have been rewarded more than non-donors, and as it is, about 33% of my total donor rewards have gone to players other than me through competitions, including spawners, a stargate network, and a lot of picks ($5, $20, and $40).

As Anna said in a previous post, no one is expected to donate, instead I look at all the donations I've made as an investment in a server (as bk puts it) that I would want my kids (when I get around to getting married and having a family) playing on. 

The big thing to remember though is that when it comes to issues on the server, I will be treated the exact same way as a person who has never donated and will probably never donate.  Being a donor, or retired staff, or even current staff gives you no special treatment.  Yes, staff do get things like /fly but that's because they are giving up a part of their playing time to help keep the server family friendly. 

I just have a question. I've always wondered why there wasn't an unbreaking enchantment book or looting. why? :P

I'm going to assume you are talking about in the donor shop.  The reason was quite simply that staff decided not to place all the enchanted books to be available in the donor shop.  As it is, the price in the donor shop is overly expensive, but there are some players who can make 1 million famcoins with very little effort and could have an unlimited supply of good equipment instead of having to work for the good equipment the old fashioned way.
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Offline vespamartio

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Re: FamCraft Donation Discussion/Questions
« Reply #103 on April 23, 2014, 08:06:21 PM »
I'd like to bounce off what Stitch said and let you guys know how happy i am to be on a server that is just so kind, giving, and indescribably amazing!  :-*

Also one other big thing that we do is the statues at spawn. I haven't been on a single server (even a server you can donate too) that is willing to immortalize their own special players at our amazing spawn which is always one of the very first things you seen when you join.

And just in case the reason your parents wont let you donate is because they don't want you giving up a credit card, I have heard thoatt say that he is more than happy to donate for you if you said the amount you want to donate to the address he has given.

Just remember, Famcraft is always about what's better for the players as a whole. It is a wonderful family friendly community that anyone can play on and be treated the exact same as everyone else. And from personal experience, to make friends that will be with you forever.  ;)
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