Clan Chat > Forum Games

Would You Rather...?

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Logic_Leader (Equine_Xpert):
TV remote. People already push my buttons anyway and I wouldn't get drawn all over and ripped in half. Plus I'd have so much control over the TV! Mwahahaha

WYR Get stung by a bee or a wasp (just once)

Neither xD
Ive Been Stung by bees alot ill take bees

Whoops I Forgot A WYR


Be A Paffer Fash (My Pic) Or A Puffer Fish

Logic_Leader (Equine_Xpert):
Puffer fish.... I just... you know... want to survive....

WYR: only be able to wear one color at a time or always where terribly clashing colors all the time?

One Color Cuz Then I could wear my fave color blue


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